You look for stations that sell ethanol free fuel? Have you checked your fuel mileage to note any differences?
by John Doe 10 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
Am I the only one concerned with
- decreased fuel efficiency with ethanol
- hygroscopic nature of ethanol that taints fuel more than a few weeks old
- deterioration of rubber parts not designed for ethanol
I thought they had pretty much figured out that Ethanol was a bust?? I don't think we use it much in CA.
All fuel in CA has ethanol, it reduces emissions. You only get 80-85% for the mileage you would get with normal gas. I get 31.5 mpg with normal gas, the best I have gotten with CA gas is 26 mpg.
John, all cars built from the early 1990's on are designed to use ethanol blends up to 15%.
I see PEC, it looks like the majority of our fuel has 6% Ethanol. But I think there is a move away from it, or arguments against it anyway. From what I've heard, it's not all it's cracked up to be.
Pretty much all fuel I see around here "contains up to 10% ethanol." If I could find a station that served ethanol-free fuel I would definitely purchase from there. Ethanol gives you worse gas mileage and in some cars can prematurely damage fuel delivery components. (My car is prone to early failures of the high pressure fuel pump when a lot of ethanol is present in the gasoline.)
Get a diesel engine next time. That doesn't have any ethanol added, right?
I believe they use ethanol in Bio-diesel.
wha happened?
True on the mileage features of ethanol. I go to Vegas quite often. They have a different blend than Cali. Driving from L.A. to Vegas I blow almost a full tank. Coming home after filling up in NV, I have a quarter tank left. I drive aggressive each way avg about 80-85 mph. However, ethanol does raise the octane which enables more advanced timing without detenation. I used to buy racing fuel on the weekends for a car I built to drag race. It was 112 octane. It had alot of alcohol in it.
This, my friends, is ethanol:
You'll see two carbon atoms, one oxygen, and six hydrogen. Now, while this may look like a good fuel with all that hydrogen, it really isn't. Let me explain to yous why. Ehem, let me explain to YOU why. So, we have one oxy *hic*... Wow, this stuff is pret-y gooood. So. We have, 1 oxygen.. ha ha. Oxygen. So... one oxygen is pretty good... Woah.. Yeah. Carbon... isn't that like burnt toast? And hydrogen blows up. You don't want your car to blow up! Remember the hindenburg? I had this shop teacher in 8th grade that liked to fill up balloons with it. Or was that my chemistry teacher? Anyway, he got teh principle in the room one day 'cause like he blew up a ballon full of hydrogen. It was awesome. Mythbusters did it once too.
What were we talking about? *hic*
- Lime