Right now, the number of ex- elders (either resigned, pushed out or df'd) outnumber the present elders; what does this suggest to you?
Ex-Elders Outnumber Elders In My KH; what does that suggest to you?
by Room 215 37 Replies latest jw friends
Most get tired of the politics, and man the politics are heavy.
You live in a highly intelligent part of the country.
It suggests that they either got tired of doing the elder thing or they break the rules like most JW's (and got caught).
It also suggests that they are unable to stop going to meetings for whatever reasons. I am sure many would like to just stop.
lifelong humanist
Room 215
My view is that this is only to be expected for 2 reasons:
- Being an elder is not only extremely time consuming, but mentally draining (my stint was about 15 years - now out, having DAd myself 6 years ago). There are very few, if any, benefits to the elder or his immediate family, in fact more likely to be serious drawbacks. Disciplinary cases are increasing at an alarming rate, and very few elders enjoy being involved in the see-sawing politics associated with JCs.
- Many just don't want to assume the responsibility, feeling that the JW religion is far too restrictive already, and few want to spend a moment longer than necessary serving the WT. Looking back, in my opinion, many men of elder-age and ability want out of the JWs, some to quit, others to try and fade without any hounding. To then, acting as an elder is just a non-paying job working for a bunch of men to control the congregations and keep the followers down. They see through the politics of the WT. I knew many with serious doubts about the basic tennets of faith underpinning the religion - i.e., evolution, inspiration of the bible, a global flood, miracles, etc., quite apart from the 'JWs brand' of religion with so many peculiar viewpoints - i.e., blood, neutrality, sexual morality, holiday celebrations, going from door to door, etc.
However, there is an upside - fewer elders will make future growth less likely. Fewer JWs can only be a better thing for a more enlightened, freer society!
lifelong humanist
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It suggests to me that once they have worked to get appointed and honestly look at the cost/reward scheme, it isn't worth it. The "spiritual paradise" is neither "spiritual" nor a "paradise".
Many are looking to get out. Many are exhausted. Some love the authority. Few are "reaching out for privileges".
angel eyes
it suggests to me that our trials and end is coming soon :) If elders fall away then that could stumble many, thats what satan wants....BUT we know we must rely purely on Jehovah, how better than if there werent any or enough elders to turn to, people would then HAVE to turn to Jah.
Think thats explained ok???
people would then HAVE to turn to Jah.-- too bad the org does not allow people to turn to God instead they should rely on a man made org for their salvation.
Our KH was like this when the Nazi PO ruled the roost.....
We now have 4 times the national average serving as Elders .......
(which is really funny when you consider how many Tuesdays we have the 3rd talk cancelled and not one of them has prepared a back-up!)
So I will go with the spiritually correct answer that somebody on the BOE 'blocking holy spirit'
angel eyes
The org/society know we will have to rely on Jah, we do daily but when the end comes it is even more so needed!!