Most people view the religion as yet another end-times cult, or another sect of fundamentalist Christianity. And they are not interested in a fundamentalist denomination--most are either members of a regular church, unaffiliated and happy with that, or Muslims (or some other religion). When they do get notice, it is because they keep showing up in colleges, stores, malls, and at people's doors with the same message--wasting people's time (and trying to make them late for work or their doctor's appointment unless they agree to a study).
However, the amount of damage they cause when they do get someone is enough to warrant having them exposed. People that do get suckered in waste their times, try getting everyone else in (instead of working), sacrifice whatever children they have to the cancer, and ruin their families. Plus, they try and create the illusion of being the only decent people in the world (not only to their members, but to the governments). Like any scam, they need to get shut down--I view being in that religion as if a person has spiritual AIDS (you are rendered spiritually sick, your spiritual immune system (common sense) is attacked, and you are assigned to spread it to everyone around).