It has come to my attention that a much-beloved poster on this forum has been hurt by the insensitivity shown toward her account of how badly she was treated by the WT.
I realize this is a place where are all welcome, and barring any posting guidelines violations, we are free to air our views without fear of any backlash.
However, please keep in mind that most posters here - yours truly being one of them - view the WT in a negative light. With all the evidence out there pertaining to its deceitfulness, how can anyone view it otherwise?
I reached out to you, Angel Eyes, because I sense that you need a friend. I've stated numerous times that all posters project an "aura," and yours cried out for love, understanding, and acceptance. When you've let your guard down, you've hinted at your dissatisfaction with some of WT's policies. Why not go the full monty and investigate further?
Whatever your decision, please refrain from making light of the experiences of others. This is a place for healing, commiseration, and sympathy. The majority of us have seen through the shiny facade of the WT, and don't want to hear what a wonderful organization it is, because, truth be known, the WT is anything but wonderful!
Thank you for reading.