I remember 'Rola cola' at Twickenham, also green lasagne, I think it was called 'pasta verdi'. Thank goodness for the fresh doughnuts! Assembly food was dire
Cola at the District Convention
by lepermessiah 38 Replies latest jw friends
I like Shasta sodas
What about the Sara Lee apple danishes....or the FROZEN orange juice they served during breakfast? My favorite were the roast beef sandwiches with the bbq sauce packets!!
Oh man, stop it! You're bringing back the memories!
Frozen chocolate pudding....cheese danish.....remember the bagels with the huge cream cheese & strawberry jam packets?
At our circuit assemblies we'd have pizza and soft serve ice cream!
In the maritmes in canada there was some lovley sisters who made sandwiches there must have been a brigade to make like thousand sandwiches but yea they were delicious. And little things of yogurt and juice evreything seemed snack sized.The bring ur own lunch thing happened when i was really young tho.like 5 or 6
I went for the Shasta "Lemon-Lime" which tasted like Lemon Pledge. What did we have to pay? Something like 50 cents for saying they paid a nickel for? If I was more zealous back then I would have went and over-turned the cases of Shasta!!
White Dove
Frozen orange juice, frozen vanilla pudding, and cheese Danishes were my favorite. Remember the chicken thigh with the soggy piece of bread stuck to it? Loaves and chickens? hahaha
yep ....we had coke at the conventions too...... each publisher sniffed ten lines each................and we still couldn't stay awake
Does any one remember the fresh squeezed orange juice they had in the early 1970's? Or was I just dreaming?
south african beef
Ages ago at Twickenham (or 'Twickers' to the initiated) my super spiritual mum and dad decided it would be a good idea if we volunteered for food preparation - what a disaster, I just wanted to wander round the grounds, wondering what it would be like to be at a rugby match there, what the stadium was built for. It is the home of English Rugby for goodness sake!
Anyway, within a few minutes my dad had cut his hand open slicing the melons with a very sharp knife. Yippee, no more volunteering for the day!!!
When I was a kid, we used to go to the coliseum in Oakland, Ca. for our big conventions. I remember being mildy amused when they had the plays with the people all dressed up in robes and stuff on the stage down on the grass of the playing field. It beat the hell out of listening to the boring bullshit that the main speakers gave from the stage. Even as a kid I was smart enough to know bullshit when it was being thrown my way. But I was captive, so I made the best of it. Anyhoo, my dad and I used to love to wander outside of the stadium where they had all the food for sale. THE best thing they had were the fresh cold cantaloupes sliced in half, with a nice dollup of vanilla ice cream in the center of the cantaloupe. Very refreshing on a hot day!!!