by mrsjones5 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Saoirse

    We just need to be patient, have a waiting attitude on Jehovah. He really is directing the worldwide brotherhood, organizing them training them in righteousness, and love.
    So you're saying that God directs an organization that makes false predictions and reverses their doctrine every few years? Is your God a liar or does He simply not know what He's doing?

    • 1899 "...the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty' ( Revelation 16:14 ), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced," (The Time Is at Hand, 1908 edition, p. 101).
    • 1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection," (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89.)
    • 1922 "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914," (Watchtower, Sept. 1, 1922, p. 262.)
    • 1923 "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge," (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1923, p. 106).
    • 1931 "There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1917, 1918, and 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time...and they also learned to quit fixing dates," (Vindication, p. 338).
    • 1941 "Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon," (Watchtower, Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288).
    • 1971 "Shortly, within our twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." (The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah; 1971; 2nd ed.; p. 216)
    • 1980 If the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century (the year 2000), which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. However, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that "the conclusion of the system of things" is moving fast toward its end. (The Watchtower, Oct. 15, 1980, p. 31)
    • 1984 Some of that "generation (of 1914)" could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that "the end" is much closer than that! (The Watchtower, March 1, 1984 pp. 18-19)

    • 1989 "The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century." (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1989, p. 12 [bound volume changed "20th century" to "day"])
  • shamus100


    How dare you mock my new Jesus. I'm going back to meetings on Sunday and commence with my 2 plus years of going to meetings not talking to anyone being worse than vomit.... crowbait... in the hope - the hope that I can live by PJ by the waterfall.

    Oh lord, please let this happen.

    I can hardly wait till Sunday.

    Goodbye forever, everyone. I'll be with PJ from now on.

  • I discovered
    I discovered

    pjschipper or should I say pj snipper

  • shamus100

    See ATJ?

    He must be intelligent because just look at how lovely and fast he can cut and paste!

    169 points... whatcha got?

  • jookbeard

    wasted a whole page on stuff no one will read, rather then cut and paste all those points, just answer the question about the poor kids/babies who had their life so tragically taken away from them


    More Cut and paste WBT$ BullShit!..


    You still suffocate to death,without enough blood..


  • jookbeard

    Shipp if most of that data is sourced from the WTS Blood Brochure most of us have already read it and even studied it when we were in the WTS, contributing to most of our leaving Satans Cult, so it's rather pointless posting such data



    Jehovah Pumpkin Bum

    Thinks your a Genius!!


  • zarco

    Listing some proud men these banded together against Moses.

    You are right, proud men of the WTS have banded against the greater Moses by rejecting the Christ and elevating themselves to that position.

    Yahweh then spoke to Moses and Aaron. He said 'Get away from this community; stand away, and touch nothing that belongs to them

    You are right, one must stand away from those who stand against the very power of god by teaching false doctrines, standing where Christ should stand, incurring bloodguilt for flawed doctrines. Most on this board have followed such admonition and have stepped away from this apostate organization.

    The spirit is indeed acting within the "sons of disobedience" and those "SODs" are not us they are them.


  • jookbeard

    my standards of religious authority are rather high Shipp call me old fashioned but religious cults that harbour child abusers/promote lies and false doctrine/promote the rejecting of life saving medical aid should be kept away from.

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