I was not well known to the neighbours (typical dub) but I had worked for the firm for decades and for several years with my office mate, having "witnessed" openly.
When I woke up to "the truth" , I just told them. It was much easier than I thought. I felt that a weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was now free to talk about anything without having to think "What do the Society say about this?"
"Worldly" people are much more tolerant and understanding. They seemed pleased that I had given it up, and did not hold against me the self righteous tactless things I had sometimes said in the past. It was great to be able to talk about the J W's from an ex perspective. I was able to explain the full nature of the Armageddon slaughter doctrine and the strange inconsistencies of the blood doctrine..Anti Witnessing felt good...
I started contributing to the Birthday collections but I never gave up my birthday date or would have wanted gifts, after all this time it just seemed silly, but that was just me.