Am i correct?

by angel eyes 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    this is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?

    I feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world. I say that because they have family who are witnesses too. Their parents protect them beyond belief, nothing they say or do is wrong AND the study forever!!!!! I know loads who studied with parents then with a different sis or bro for well over 3years or more!!!!! They run the world down yet thats my home, and its harder to start a new life, completely alien from the world and life you know and yet you dont get support, yet they are wrapped in cotton wool

  • AllTimeJeff
    this is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?

    Ok. A) It's your opinion and you are entitled to it. B) How would this opinion NOT annoy those who have been kicked around by Jehovah's Witnesses? C) If it's your opinion, based on your view, why are you asking for validation (i.e. is it true or just you?)

    "Born in the truth" as I was, I can tell you it takes away opportunities I had for college, marrying someone who wasn't crazy, and wasting all of my twenties in a cult.

    That's just an observation. Is it true, or just me?


    I know many people who had a much better upbringing than me..

    None of them have ever been JW`s..

    Life as a JW Kid Sucks..



  • Chalam

    Their parents protect them beyond belief, nothing they say or do is wrong AND the study forever!!!!!

    1 John 1 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

    All the best,


  • palmtree67

    "I feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world."

    I completely disagree with this statement.

    My experience in the "Truth" is that those who are born in seem to feel that they are perfect just the way they are and therefore do not have to work on their in-born personality traits.

    Many who came from the world recognise they need to change certain things ( a bad temper, over-drinking, etc. ). But it seems like ones who are born in don't feel the need to change anything about themselves.

  • jookbeard

    there are ass holes from either born in or came in later

  • Georgiegirl

    I had to laugh a bit at this one! :smile: I don't know the answer to that. I was born in - I'm 3rd generation. I NEVER caught a break. If anything, I had to dress, talk, behave, etc BETTER than everyone else because I had to be The Example To The Congregation. I rarely was invited to the few outings for teenagers b/c 1:) I wouldn't have been allowed to go b/c the kids were judged Not Good Examples or Poor Association OR the kids didn't want The Elder's Child there. I think they thought I would have been spouting scripture and ruining the fun. Little did they know how much I wanted to be "bad" (i.e. normal!)

    The pressure was enormous. Now that I'm out? I lost my entire family, the social circle that I had...I have very few social references (i.e. - Hey remember that movie/song/TV show/whatever? Um. No. Wasn't allowed to see it.) All of the "normal" stuff that worldly people do - I had absolutely no clue. It was starting again at ground zero, learning everything that everyone else learned as they grew up normally.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    guess its good for some being raised in and not for others?


  • VIII

    Angel eyes, were you dropped on your head perhaps? I'm talking when the doctor pulled you out of the birth canal and, just by accident, dropped you.

    You sound--like Forrest Gump.

    Just an observation.

    Carry on.

  • Georgiegirl

    AE - like most things in life - for some it's good and for others it's not so good. Guess it depends on where you sit in the audience, know what I mean?


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