I remember the assemblies of the 60's and early 70's and yes, the food and volunteering in food preparation was an exciting part of the meeting. We were told that this was ending because many were missing the sessions due to volunteering. I could not understand how this was so as we always had speakers at the prep sight and could listen to the talks.
...Good Food at Assemblys.....What Happened?..
by OUTLAW 44 Replies latest jw friends
I was Food Service Overseer at the CA in the mid 80's. We could make whatever menu we wanted. We were also expected to generate 100% profit. The first person the CO met with after the CA was Food Service. Why? To see how much money we made. One time we had an excess of about 10 qt of sour cream. Rather than compliment us on all the hard work we put in for weeks, he was pissed about the sour cream. Sheeesh.
You wasted $10 of the lords money. How did you EVER sleep at night???!!!
Not very well as a matter of fact considering the dressing down I got.
Darthfader...yes, scripts...thanks for remembering that. I couldn't remember the word. It was always announced at our assemblies to put unused scripts in the contribution box, as they counted as money.
Dissed - so true about assemblies being a meeting place for couples. I remember dreading assemblies because I thought it would be another year I would have to go single if I didn't meet anyone...lol.
I remember at the end of the district conventions at the Cow Palace in SF (late 70's/early 80's) if you could make it in time and you had any leftover tickets you could buy the leftover food (sandwiches, fruit, soda).
I was there and bought some stuff with the left-over script, as we were going camping after the DC. We actually lived down south but wanted to get away from the heat. Stayed at the Motel 6 next to the Oakland Colosium. Nice neighborhood, eek. But we had JG's protection so we didn't care. lol
"We actually lived down south but wanted to get away from the heat."
lol, yeah going to the Cow Palace in the summer was a good way to get away from the heat. Sometimes needed a warm coat and a small blanket not to catch a chill.
wantstoleave: It's fully that they would want the script to be put in the contribution box... They already have the cash from the original sale. Maybe the sisnt want the publishers to see the "left over" cash and not purchase the same amount or more of script for the next assembly. Ok, maybe I'm overly paranoid :)
Darth Fader
Oh blast! There are a few typos in my mast post... it's funny not fully and ... Maybe the sisnt should be Maybe they didnt..
Fingers think for themselves I guess.
Darth Fader