A former Bethelite who served in the 70's said that Bethel USA did pay social security for all the Bethelites. She would not give any details like, whether it was a tiny amount based on their stipend or what. I mean, earning your quarters is still a great thing. Anyone know the scoop on what they actually paid?
A Former Bethelite Said WTS Did Pay Social Security in the USA.
by OnTheWayOut 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
compound complex
This piqued my interest. Checked my SS Statement - on average my taxed earnings were about $800 per year while at Bethel. We were the first - circa 1969 - to fill out the forms; I remember it well.
So, what do you think this could mean for the BORG?
Only wage earners pay SS. So why didn't they pay the assessments and workmans comp?
As a JW employer, if you dnidn't pay the stuff and got in trouble with the Govt. you were in a heap of trouble with the WTS. "Render to Ceasar.."
compound complex
Taxed Medicare earnings are listed in the identical amounts.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
My Social Security statement reports $0 for every quarter that I served in Bethhell.
Well, perhaps those Social Security payments have been invisibly present since 1914.
They DID pay FICA taxes for Bethelites -- until they started the Vow of Poverty thing. This allowed them to stop doing so.
ALL of the old-timers draw a Social Security check each month. This is because WT submitted the necessary payments for them.
I was there from 90-98. The whole time I was there Legal was to prepare our taxes. The only income reported was cash I made G-jobbing (taking vacation time and working- usually on a construction site- for cash)
Now I realize why Legal prepared the taxes- so that no one reports the "reimbursement" as income- Sold to us as a "service" - actually a control mechanism and work around to make sure they avoided employment taxes!! The only up side was that I got a great college scholarship when I left- because it was income based!!!
The only up side was that I got a great college scholarship when I left- because it was income based!!!
Take that Watchtower. You showed them.
I will have to try to get my son help me to do a copy and paste somehow to this site, a copy part of my "Your Social Security Statement" that shows individual years of "Your Earnings Record". I went in mid-1969 so I had earnings for part of that year before for Bethel. But under "Your Taxed Social Security Earnings": shows: 1970 - $837, 1971 - $901, 1972 - $968, 1973 - $953
The Treasurer's office took care of our taxes and we had to sign a form that any IRS mailed to us, we authorized the Treasurer's Office to open and to handle, we never got copies. These amounts were the total of our $14/mo, maybe some subway tokens value, an annual clothing allowance of $100, and the rest was for the value of room and board.
So on this, Social Security, uses the term "Earnings". So "leavingwt", you say they stopped this? When?