Outlaw's post about convention food reminded me of my family's experiences camping for the conventions. Fortunately, they did this before I came along. But, it seems the whole congregation stayed at one campground. And they seemed to have a lot of fun. But, it was a lot of extra work for the sisters. Just curious if anyone's else's family was too cheap to stay in a hotel and decided to rough it. I can't imagine trying to get dressed up for the convention in a tent.
Camping for conventions
by EmptyInside 20 Replies latest jw friends
My family did when I was younger...It was horrible!! Plus we did it with me, my sis, and 2 toddlers.
Trying to take a shower was awful! I shudder when I think of those days!
My god, are you in counselling still?
Sounds horrifying.
One year we went to the Billings Montana assembly (late 70's) and stayed in a tent in the livestock area
Showers were taken in the area where the livestock was hosed down.
I look back and just shudder at the experience .
Showers were taken in the area where the livestock was hosed down.
I"m speechless....
Dayum, and I thought my family was poor
Back then i just accepted it, we could have stayed at a hotel but this was an "encouraging experience" made us more appreciative
of what we had at home. There were a whole bunch of witnesses staying in the livestock area then, and the funny thing is that
it seemed normal for all of them
I never had to do that, but when I was little, the 4 day assemblies were still around. I know it's nothing compared to the 7 day ones that used to be around. But as a 5yr old, the 4 day ones killed me..lol
Yes we did it, 1963 for 8 days at Twickenham - 6 of us in a frame tent near Staines beside a reservoir.
The toilets were disgusting, the smell
The food at Twickenham Stadium was pretty good, bacon rolls and lovely hot, jam doughnuts.
The talks were so boring though
I think we managed to look fairly presentable, there were no complaints from the management!