What costume will you wear for Halloween?

by dissed 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissingLink

    My costume came in the post last week:

    Chimp Costume


    My 4 year old daughter is NOT happy about it. And I've only shown her the feet so far.

    It was a bit expensive, but I can use it for a few years and switch up the clothes I wear with it.

  • brinjen

    Halloween isn't such a big deal here.. but if it were up to me I'd be wearing a werewolf costume (shouldn't surprise too many, I realise ).

  • dissed


    That costume is incredible. Won't it make you hot underneath?

  • kurtbethel

    Scare everyone, go out as the.....JehovahNator

    JehovahNator goes trick ot treating

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Great posts, to bad we have no Halloween in my country...


  • MissingLink

    I didn't actually get the hairy shirt part. I'll be wearing a normal shirt. The head and gloves are pretty warm though. It's neet because the mouth moves.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Kurt, If the shoulders were a little broader and the hair more stylish, that would look almost as good as me!

    Albert, Time to import Halloween!

  • undercover

    I went as Dracula last year. I expected to really look like Christopher Lee when I was through with my makeover. Imagine my disappointment when I looked in the mirror and realized I looked more like Grandpa Munster...

    I don't know what to do this year. I thought about Captain Jack Sparrow but I'd probably look more like Gilligan instead of Johnny Depp...

  • chipote

    Due to the economic downturn I will not be able to get the costume I originally wanted. So I made this. I was so sad thinking about how none of the Witnesses at my Hall go out on Field Circus on Halloween night and now its ok. I'm taking the door to them.

  • Finally-Free

    No costumes for me. I'll just be myself, as always.

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