The "what an a$$" / "pain in the a$$" thread...

by cognac 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    So, hubby and I actually went to a mtg this week. During the bookstudy, an elder asked who would benefit from something scripturally. I actually raised my hand and said, "anyone who applies it"... He said, "That's true, but more specifically"... Then, of course somebody raised there hand and said "JWs"...

    What an a$$...

    I'm on facebook and have befriended some JWs. Every other sentence is, "Going to a mtg!", "Going out in service!", "I want that house in the new system!" (Which I'm deleting there crap off my profile)...

    What a pain in the a$$...

    Ok, your turn!

  • shamus100

    I love it when witnesses covet.


    You did`nt give the WBT$ scripted answer..

    It can be found in whatever WBT$ Crap your studying that day..

    Thats what you get,for Thinking for Yourself!!


  • Robdar

    "I want that house in the new system!"

    It was an asshat remark like the one above that started me on my path out. And I thank the elder's wife who said it because I am free.

  • penny2

    When complete strangers are more important than family. They can find time to preach for 10 hours plus each month to people who don't want to know them but to put aside some quality time for a family member in need is just too much.

  • lisavegas420
    "I want that house in the new system!"

    Someone really wrote that on facebook? was it their status or a comment to someone else?

    That is really discusting. Like wishing people dead.


  • shamus100

    Are you kidding, LIsa? I heard that crap in service more times than I can remember... sickening.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I had an elder tell me when my brother passed that "at least you can cry for a night, then its done." Stupid.

    My ex when turned down at the door rudely, would often say "I wish for the angel of death to smite them!" She had a sense of humor, so we all laughed, but after 10 years of it, it got sort of old.

    Another brother, who was in a severe car accident, had a family who received a lot of attention, and a lot of pressure to go in service. As I look back, everyone wanted to help them "turn the corner" ...."spiritually". Ridiculous! They needed a vacation, but we were JW's. So we had to drag them out to offer magazines during an immense period of stress.

  • lisavegas420
    Are you kidding, LIsa? I heard that crap in service more times than I can remember... sickening.

    I heard this in fs...but I didn't think they would say it on facebook..or to people's faces.


  • shamus100

    Oh - I get what you're throwing.

    I'm glad they do - shows how brain-dead they really are.

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