If you have kids and a JW mate ....

by Albert Einstein 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    What to can you do to prevent kids from being indoctrinated and possibly become JW one day?

    What I do (son is 7, twins were born this year):

    • Talk openly with my son about cults and how they trick people.
    • Talk openly about JW history: False prophecies, pyramids, Ruthrford.....
    • Signed my son for soccer team.
    • Help him to find "worldly" friends.
    • Although I HATE to listen JWs BS, when my wife goes to the meeting I go with them to make sure no elders are "encouraging" them.
    • Although I am an agnostic today, I read the Bible and pray with the family, becouse otherwise my wife would take over ... (since daddy is "spiritually weak"...)
    • I work hard to not be DF to not lose control over my son spiritual education....



  • dinah

    Sounds like you are doing a good job.

  • iknowall558

    First four are excellent suggestions..........When we were leaving the org., we kept everything an open discussion....Your first two points are what we employed and our children are well up on the truth about the organization. They actually understand why we left! My two boys, 11yrs and 7yrs can defend why their mum and dad are no longer witnesses. What you are telling them will stay with them and it will be difficult for the indoctrination to take hold. My husbands brother has a son (my nephew) , the same age as my 7yr old. Their gran makes sure they still get to see each other when she has 'granny day' with them. I can see the difference between my son and my nephew in the year we have been out. Its like a sliding doors situation...........my son is looking forward to Christmas this year, playing with worldly friends and being accepted and being part of the crowd...a normal healthy minded wee boy. My nephew is taken out of primary school every day at lunch time in case his class mates are a bad influence on him. He is kept on a tight rein in every aspect of his life.......he is a very serious wee boy, and has times scheduled for 'fun'. All things theocratic are fed to him from the minute he wakes up till he goes to bed........! My son was telling him about a new game he was getting for his PS3 while my nephew (7yrs) was gushing about the new Kingdom Melodies. It makes me weep. You keep doing what you're doing and keep up the good work.... !

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    iknowall: great points!

    Two weeks ago we had my wifes cousin with her husband and 16 years old son (all hard core dubs...). The boy just started study in a new school - specialized in construction engeneering...

    I asked him: So how do you like the new school?

    He said: Well, not really, I think I will not do this for livivng...

    Me: So what hobbies you have? What do you want to do for living?

    Him: I dont know. I have no hobbies. I hope we will have the New world by then....

    It was so sad and ridiculous... When they left, I asked my wife: Do you want our son be like this? She had to admit it was really sad...


  • garyneal
    Although I HATE to listen JWs BS, when my wife goes to the meeting I go with them to make sure no elders are "encouraging" them.

    Thanks, you've given me reason why I should continue to 'support' my wife in her attendance by attending with her.

  • Chalam

    Hello AE,

    • Although I HATE to listen JWs BS, when my wife goes to the meeting I go with them to make sure no elders are "encouraging" them.

    I think this is highly dangerous in many ways. You are opening them up to the false WT gospel. Even though you have rejected the lies of the WT, this stuff is gangrene as Paul puts it, and spreads in similar fashion to those who are around it 2 Timothy 2:17

    • Although I am an agnostic today, I read the Bible and pray with the family, becouse otherwise my wife would take over ... (since daddy is "spiritually weak"...)

    I think this is great. You need to make sure you read anything but the NWT, that has been highly tampered with to go along with the false WT gospel. Also, it is plain difficult to understand anyhow. When you pray they just pray to "Father" like Jesus did. "Jehovah" is not in the New Testament, that is a WT lie.

    Plenty of good bibles here for free BibleGateway.com: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions ...

    If you really want to protect your kids, you need to find out what the bible is really saying. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and your kids John 14:26 1 Corinthians 2:14

    He will and He testifies about Jesus, not "jehovah" John 15:26



  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I think this is highly dangerous in many ways. You are opening them up to the false WT gospel. Even though you have rejected the lies of the WT, this stuff is gangrene as Paul puts it, and spreads in similar fashion to those who are around it 2 Timothy 2:17

    The guy has already stated that he is agnostic lol

  • carla

    Critical thinking skills is a must! Another option for wifey would be that if she is going to be bringing the children to the khell for mind numbing/controlling sessions, you will start bringing the kids to a different religious service every other weekend including all of Christendom (go through all the denominations) , Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Universalists, etc.... What's fair is fair, if she can bring the kids to her idea of 'truth' then certainly you & kids should be free to explore and be exposed to all the world religions so they can make an informed decision later in life. Was the only thing that kept my jw from ever bringing the kids to a khell, he knew I was serious and would have done it had it come down to it. As it is jw's are so fearful of normal churches they will give up their own kids to go to the kh on their own. This of course produces the ever famous lying and attempting to indoctrinate children when you are not around which in turn makes you not want to ever leave children alone in their care unless you have given a quick check to kids 'don't let mom/dad try to indocrinate you while I run out for milk'. Hellish yeah, until you can find some middle ground or completely educate your child on cults. Heck, they don't have to believe a word you say about jw's, let them do their own research and as my young child found there were millions of sites against jw's, tons of sites about the flip flops, pedophiles, abuses, non- scholarly work, misquotes, etc... Protect your kids minds as well as their physical safety in life if you can.

    A few age appropriate stories from here and other ex jw's usually sparks a childs view of justice and they come to understand all the unwritten things in dubland, the injustices, abuses, etc... and even the mental abuses. Give young children credit, they are able to understand without being psychologically harmed much more than you think.

  • Quandry

    Sounds like you are doing an outstanding job as a father and husband!! I wouldn't be surprised if your wife is able to see through things soon, also.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Garyneal: Thanks, you've given me reason why I should continue to 'support' my wife in her attendance by attending with her.

    I really hate the time spent in KH, but at least I can give some additional comments to my wife on what was said during the program ("Do you really think it is normal to discuss in the church oral, anal sex and mutual masturbation as we did during todays WT study honey????) and to make sure nobody talks to my kid when the meeting is over ... there is a small parking lot at the KH, so when we come late, we have to leave as soon as the meeting is over, because it is packed ...

    Chalam: You need to make sure you read anything but the NWT

    Yes we read from other Bible than NWT, Iam happy my wife has no problem with that...

    I think this is highly dangerous in many ways.

    What can you do, if your wife woul bring them there anyways...? So at least Iam there to protect....

    Carla: Critical thinking skills is a must!

    Great point! Thanks!

    you will start bringing the kids to a different religious service

    I did try to arrange that, but my son told mummie, and she told him that in another church he would do a false worship... so son came back to me that he doesnt wont do false worship... I really do not want to take kids as hostages, so I did not push it....

    Quandry: Thanks, I hope to win mama as well some day - by now its a great succes we go along with no problems.... Other wife would call elders on me already....


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