Still in, married. But I'm coming out really soon. You get one chance on this earth and i ain't about to waste it. Enough is enough. I need to be happy, not sucicidle. I need the life i have always yearned for, and being in this cult makes me want to slit my throat, literally. Wife will go mad crazy but time goes on and that will even end.
Time to come out
by whatistruth 19 Replies latest jw friends
It's worth it - believe me.
Your life is waiting for you - just take it all one day at a time, have a plan, think about it, and execute it. Talk to someone real about it too - not net people.
I wish you well in your journey.
Thanks dude!!..means a lot
Good luck, and God speed!
All the best mate
You will find that it's not as difficult as you think it will be.
All the best, whatistruth.
Good for you. It can be tough to leave but believe me, you'll be much happier on the other side.
I can understand where you are right now, I am there now. I feel also that even if this isn't the only life we get, why would we want to waste any minute of it.
Good luck, it is a big weight off in the end.
It is good to set a definite time goal where you will be out no matter what. But if you can, see if you can make that a 6 month goal. And in that time, do some research and see if you can set your wife free as well. It can be done.
All the best