"Stone the infidels", erm ... I mean apologists (IMPORTANT)

by Simon 43 Replies latest forum announcements

  • yesidid
    Can they shut down a thread arbitrarily?

    I do hope they can. If we post within guidelines it's not our problem.

  • Simon
    Can they shut down a thread arbitrarily?

    Ultimately, yes ... as per the terms and conditions:

    "Forums may be moderated to make sure they stay friendly and welcoming, legal and relevant. We reserve the right to edit or delete posts at own discretion and without notice, which we consider to be unacceptable"

    Do we? Why would we? We have much better things to do ...

    Is this unique to this forum? No ... practically all major internet sites have policies like this.

  • Simon
    I do hope they can. If we post within guidelines it's not our problem.

    Exactly. I see our job as being like a referee ... just making sure everyone abides by the same rules and stopping things getting too heated or out of hand. We much prefer it when we don't have to do anything.

  • JeffT

    I think the JW apologists serve a useful function: reminding all of us what we once were. It has been my experience with them here and elsewhere, that they either get tired of it and leave or open their eyes and join us. Either way it tends to take care of itself.

    I find the ones that wonder in and suddenly after five or six posts discover this forum is for X-jws quite entertaining.

  • yesidid
    I think the JW apologists serve a useful function: reminding all of us what we once were.

    That's just one of the reasons we should be kind and patient with them.

  • LouBelle

    I have to be honest - I've given one or two a bit of a tongue lashing - pure frustration led me to it. I understand that we were once there and that they are truly blind. It's hard to accept certain ""facts"" or ""evidence"" on a 'because' or 'check the WT publications' as an answer or reference.

    I shall mind myself though and be more thoughtful of it.

  • avishai

    I think Simon was talking more about running to the mods and/or accusing the apologists of stuff that's just not happening. Tongue lashings, when warranted I believe are still

  • boyzone

    I hope so. I don't believe the mods should act as parent to sulking exJW's or apologists. But lets all bow silently to Simon as he has the true power of life and death over us all, - all he's got to do is pull the plug.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Simon: Good show! Your work here is very much appreciated, and thanks for having us.

    Whiners: Grow up and get a freaking life! Better yet, if you dislike the treatment here, go somewhere else. Who, exactly, is stopping you? This web site is, effectively, Simon's backyard. It is his! Guess what? People get to decide what they do and do not tolerate in their backyards. Guess what else? They also get to do this completely at their personal whim. Everyone here is Simon's guest. Everyone.

    Everyone else: Thanks for being adults.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • cantleave

    I would like to thank Simon and the other Mods for providing such a superb environment.

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