Was at the Kingdumb Hell yesterday after a gap.
Paragraph 11 planted the seed in the sheeples' heads for this.
Remember last weeks study, where Martha was quoted as saying: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day." (Jo 11: 24) The term "last day" was explained as applying to the Millennium, in the same way as "judgment day" for those receiving an earthly resurrection.
Now for paragraph 11 - I noticed some bemused faces, as usually John 6 is avoided in articles discussing earthly resurrection:
" "The bread that I shall give is my flesh," he said. Jesus gave his life not only for those who would rule with him in his heavenly Kingdom but also "in behalf of the life of the world" of redeemable mankind. "If anyone eats of this bread," that is, exercises faith in the redeeming power of Jesus' sacrifice, he will be in line for everlasting life. Indeed, the reference to 'living forever' included the long held Jewish hope of everlasting life on earth."
John 6: 54 was quoted in an answer: "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood, has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him on the last day." Applied to the earthly hope, it clearly shows non-annointed should partake of the party food at the Reject Jesus Festival. I noticed from one or two of the faces that pennies were dropping and 2+2 being computed.
It would certainly be a way of escaping from the embarrassing 1935 door closing and being reopened in 2008.
Lets face it the 1935 teaching was dropped because it was an embarrassment to those of the Gibbering Buddy, who were not even born in 1935, or became witlesses after that date. They were open to accusation of being bogus.
This is why a picture of all those comprising the new JW god did not appear until recently. Any fool can see how young they are.
The partakers problem is becoming acute.
Several years ago the declining numbers of partakers was said to be proof of how near the end is. Now that the numbers are going up, they are not even publishing the number. Seven MONTHS after this years memorial we are still asking "how many?".
I'll bet its got even nearer if not attained the 10 000 mark, undermining the 144 000 teaching even further.
By saying everybody who exercises faith in Jesus' sacrifice should take the emblems, they render the annual report of partakers irrelevant. It will simply become an indicator of how many JWs there are, and put a stop to more than a few awkward questions and challenges .
Probably they will quote "many are called but FEW chosen" and say it is therefore a personal thing as to whether you entertain a heavenly hope, which gives you no more importance in the scheme of things as any other witless. No more counts will be taken of who claims to be annointed.
Even annointed status to be on the GB has already been undermined in the "Proclaimers " book. A non- annointed brother resigned because at "that time it was thought only annointed ones" could serve in this capacity. (I no longer have the book so cannot reference this - it was in the 40s.)
And if you still dont believe this prediction, remember that at one time ONLY annointed ones could call themselves "Jehovah's witnesses."