Swedish government declines to give JW financial support

by InquiryMan 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dinah
    They also applied to the United Way for funds

    That's hypocritical. I can remember them talking against the United Way when I was a teen.

    So......we're were not supposed to vote, but they join the UN. We are not supposed to donate to charities like the United Way or Salvation Army, but they can beg them for money.

    I hope Sweden tells them to go to hades. Most religions give back to the community. The only charity the Watchtower supports is knocking on doors. Why help bird food, eh?

  • JWoods

    +++ and make that several thousand, Dinah.

    Bad form to beyotich about how bad all government is and then whine for a handout. Way bad.

  • dinah

    I'm sure there is probably at WT article somewhere that recommends giving to the Organization rather than worldly charities? That would be a good thing for the Swedish gov't to read, if such an article exists.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    designs - yes! And you know what also really grates with me...? JWs here do not buy (and wear) a poppy (Remembrance), as the donation benefits 'old soldiers' (WWII veterans etc), and that is somehow 'condoning' war (I've never understood that myself), yet they don't mind claiming money they're not entitled to as a result of war (Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation). The things they condemn and refuse to donate to are the first things they're in line to benefit from (war, tobacco, blood, charities eg Red Cross etc)

  • sir82

    Clearly, the demons have infiltrated the government of Sweden and have incited this brazen persecution of Jehovah's people.

    But never fear! "No weapon formed against you will succeed" in keeping the WTS from sucking the government's teat. If there's money involved, and the WTS is losing out, they'll send the best lawyers they've got on to the case post-haste!

  • edmond dantes
  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Why give to an organisation that is just plain nutty which also tries to turn the rest of the population into fruit cakes.

    Been there done that bought the Watchtower.

  • JHK

    Can I read the article? Because, I just see the photos!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Doesn't the watchtower society have trouble with the German and French governments also? Aren't they considered a cult? It is interesting that even the Russian government sees them as a cult that breaks up families.

    Maybe the world is starting to catch on?

    If they gave back to the community, it would be different, but they use the excuse that the "end is near" to refuse to help the suffering and poor ones. The end has been near for centuries now. Something tells me they don't really want to help the poor.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    All Watchtower Corp. needs to do is climb a little bit higher on the back of the "Wild Beast". If they really believed what they preach about "wait on Jehovah", "rely on Jehovah", "Jehovah will provide", then they wouldn't be holding out their hand to the demonized government.

    If they need more money from Satan's system, why don't they sell ad space to big business? Imagine an ad for Viagra in Awake!

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