What's your favorite gairls name and fav boys name?
Jessikah and Nathan (love Joshua and samuel close 2nds)
by angel eyes 15 Replies latest social entertainment
What's your favorite gairls name and fav boys name?
Jessikah and Nathan (love Joshua and samuel close 2nds)
We just got the new member of the BTS clan's first ultrasound today. I'd post a thread with pictures but I am under restriction. 7 weeks old. It's just a lumpy little tadpole right now. Chances are, it will either be Sebastian or Carolina. Sebastian is kinda OK (wife's pref). I want an Isaac. After both the Patriarch and the Newton. We've got one right now. 2 1/2 years old. Benjamin. I like it because it's spelled the same in English and Spanish. Plus, it means "beloved son", and, Franklin was an awesome dude. Middle name Marcos. War god and a gospel writer. Also a history in the family. Good mix.
congrats.... love benjamin, dont hear it very often either :)
I like Lillian for a girl and Christian for a boy or girl.
Congrats Mr & Mrs BTS!
so many nice names.... Lacey, alexander, hannah... i love loads!!! good we only got the two but id love 10! Got 1 in Jah's memory so thats three for the new syst already.
Evelyn or Nola
I like to name the first born, Tax Deduction and my second, Liabilty.
AE you told me you didn't have kids as you are unable to conceive, are these 2 kids you mention your imaginary kids, or just more lies?
Jessikah and Nathan (love Joshua and samuel close 2nds)
Are we a bit biblical?