The images within images are incredible, but the "sum of all the parts" is ...
by compound complex 14 Replies latest jw friends
The images within images are incredible, but the "sum of all the parts" is ...
The name is familiar, is it really a gallery in Sedona?
Yes, AZ!
Thanks, Beks.
Very cool.
Where else might I have seen this stuff CoCo? Many seem familiar.
Thanks bluecanary!
I believe I first saw it on a webpage with reference to WT subliminal art - you know, the hidden image controversy. It could have been a like sighting, too, for you.
I'm trying to discover the exact classification of OO's art:
Surreal? Embedded or subliminal imagery?
Thank you CoCo for sharing these. The images are absolutely amazing to say the least. It would be wonderful to visit the gallery and stand in front of them, watching the images shape shift before your eyes. I spent 3 weeks in Sedona in 1977 and one of my dreams is to spend time there again.
Best wishes
Lucky you, Hopscotch!
Yes, to be there would be the real deal - up close and personal.
I appreciate your reply.
All the best to you and yours,
I think this deserves another shot ...
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Good Morning CoCo!..
I love the Arts..
This artist is extremely talented..
I`ve never seen his work before..Amazing..
Saw some Picaso the other day..
I`ve never figured out the attraction to his work..
It looks like a Monkey was given Crayons..LOL!!
Had you not BTT..
I would have missed this thread..Thanks!..