This goes out to my lovely wife ! It's been a great 3 years babe. Lookin' forward to many more !
Mr. & Mrs. Flipper - 3 year Anniversary thanks to E-Harmony
by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends
A Very Happy Anniversary to you both!
I am happy for you Mr Flipper. I am going to meet a lady tonight from Plenty of fish dot com.
This lady you meet how is her hours. Is she a pioner? Doese she get to all the meetings?
Just looking out for you my freind.
Outstanding news. May you have many more.
Super goodnews! Congrats!
You stay happy!
So happy for the both of you...
Happy Anniversary!
troubled mind
That's wonderful Happy Anniversary to you both .
My 25 yr old son moved away from home to a small town in the middle of Iowa .....not the ideal situation to meet availabe young women .He has joined E Harmony ....I hope he finds the same success as you did .
Happy anniversary Mr Flipper and Mrs. Flipper from LDRNOMO AND Where was I
To Mr and Mrs Flipper
So glad you found each other. May there be many many more happy years together for you.
Best wishes