Secondly, the sealed 144,000 listed are Jews, yet the Jehovah’s Witnesses regard this as symbolic as well for they believe they are comprised of both Jews and gentiles. (Reasoning, 166, 167).
They regard it as "symbolic" because they do not know who's who, here. The 144,000 is taken from the sons of Abraham… which is ISRAEL ... which include Jews… AND non-Jews (gentiles):
1. Jews are those from the 2-tribe kingdom of JUDAH (Judah… and Benjamin - who joined with them after almost being annihilated for gang-raping a Levite's concubine… along with a sprinkling of Levites - who served in the temple) Judges 19:1-21:23
2. Here, non-Jews (gentiles) are those from the 10-tribe kingdom of ISRAEL (all of the OTHER tribes, excluding Judah and Benjamin, but including Levi). We know these as "the Samaritans" - which is why my Lord said to the 12… "You will be witnesses of me… in all JUDEA and SAMARIA ."
Judea … is the land of the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah … Oholibah... and had the capital city of Jerusalem . Rehoboam was its first king. Judah was exiled to Babylon.
Samaria … is the land of the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel… Oholah… and had the capital city of Bethel (a center of false worship). Jeroboam was its first king. Israel was exiled to Samaria [by the Assyrians].
3. Gentiles are ANY who are not JEWS… including those of the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel . The Samaritan woman at the well was an ISRAELITE… a Samaritan and so from the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel . That is why she said to my Lord, "OUR forefathers (meaning hers AND his) worshiped in this mountain; but YOU people (the Jews) say Jerusalem is the place where persons ought to worship." John 4:20
Thus, the 144,000 IS made of Jews (2-tribe kingdom of Judah) … and Gentiles (10-tribe kingdom of Israel) .
Gentiles (non-Jews) are also from among the nations.
Third, whereas the listed 144,000 are made up of twelve distinct groups of twelve thousand members each, the Jehovah’s Witnesses also regard these numbers as symbolic. They have never classified or categorized those who go to heaven in twelve groups of 12,000 yet are quick to calculate them literally to arrive at 144,000 (12 x 12,000 = 144,000).
That's because although the number is literal… what those who make up that number ARE… is symbolic. They… make up the HOLY CITY… the "temple" of God, New Jerusalem… which is NOT built out of stone by hands, but out of PEOPLE… and by Christ. Christ is the "cornerstone" (which stone, the "builders," Israel… rejected); the apostles are the "foundation" and "gates" (one for each tribe). These, the 144,000… are the "walls," as well as, perhaps, "pillars" and "living stones." The Prophets are "pillars" and "living stones"… and members of the great crowd… are "living stones."
You (or the writer) don’t get this, however, because they (the WTBTS) don't get it, so as to have been able to write about it.
Fourth, the “seal on the foreheads of the servants” (Rev. 7:3), and the Lamb and His Father’s names which are written on the foreheads of the 144,000 (Rev. 14:1) represent figuratively, for the Jehovah’s Witnesses, God’s final approval. In their words, “God’s holy spirit serves as a seal that gives those sealed a token in advance of their inheritance, a heavenly one” (Insight, 253, 254). It is symbolic .
Neither the name, where it is located (forehead) or what it represents is symbolic. I have received such a name… it is on the forehead of the SPIRIT "man" that I am… and it is a literal token (just as if you had handed me a coin) of such "sealing." I received seal because I am of the tribe of Ben-JAH-min. "Son of the Right Hand (Christ) of JAH." I can see it… but I cannot pronounce it. Not yet. I received it FROM the Holy Spirit… BY a "sealing" done WITH holy spirit.
Fifth, Revelation 7:4 literally states that the 144,000 elect are virgin men: “These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact they are virgins.” But as anyone familiar with the Jehovah’s Witnesses knows, the 144,000 are comprised of men and women, married and single; they regard these provisions symbolically as well.
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with them being fleshly men. It means… that because they have been CLEANSED in the blood of the Lamb and thus "washed clean," they are virgins… with respect to FORNICATION AND ADULTERY AGAINST THEIR "HUSBANDLY OWNER," CHRIST. They did not defile themselves with "women," meaning the "daughters of Babylon." Such defilement did not occur AFTER their cleansing - such that, rather than attaching themselves yet again to one of the daughters of that harlot - which "daughters" are the RELIGIONS that result from "adulterous" anointed ones… those who, rather than following the Lamb, their husband, wherever HE goes… sets up knew organizations, etc., and begin to fornicate with the "kings of the earth." Isaiah 54:5; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 18:23; 19:7; 21:2
That is why I fear for those who leave the WTBTS… that particular harlot… only to attach themselves to yet another harlot, another "daughter" of Babylon the Great. Revelation 17:5
Sixth, additional evidence that the 144,000 number is not to be taken literally is found at Galatians 3:26-29 and Romans 9:6-8 where the apostle Paul makes clear that those who are rewarded with heaven due so in part as a consequence of God’s promise to the patriarch Abraham, and that the 144,000 heirs to the heavenly promise by virtue of faith are countless, without number, as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Wrong again. Although 144,000 are sealed… as "firstfruits" from Israel… to ensure that the promise to Abraham is fulfilled… at least, with reference to rulership in the kingdom… ALL of Israel will actually be saved. ALL. Romans 9:27; 11:25-32
Paul is referring to Genesis 15:5 where God promised Abraham that he would make his descendants like the stars of the sky, a promise that would eventually extend beyond fleshly Israel and encompass Christians. This Abrahamic promise was reaffirmed and recounted by Abraham’s grandson Jacob while praying to God for deliverance from his brother Esau. “Unquestionably I shall deal well with you and will constitute your seed like the grains of sand of the sea which cannot be numbered for multitude.” (Gen. 32:12 NWT).
No, God is talking about literal Israel here. Literally. Romans 11:25-32
Given these verses it is difficult to imagine how the heirs to the heavenly promise number a mere 144,000. They do not.
I absolutely agree with this statement. They number 144,000… PLUS …a number that no MAN… was able to number.
They will be countless, vast; large in actual numbers yet small in proportion to the billions who have ever inhabited earth. Never-the-less, the Jehovah’s Witnesses counter that those countless heaven-bound individuals are countless because they could not be counted at that time.
Countless, vast, yes; however, they are in error as to their explanation why… as it the writer of this article is in his/hers.
“God revealed the purpose and accomplishments of the Abrahamic covenant, saying that through Abraham the seed of promise would come; this seed would possess the gate of his enemies; Abraham’s seed through Isaac would number many, uncountable to man at that time.” (Insight, 522).
Well, I suppose they are correct in the sense that the heirs to the promise could not be counted so many thousands of years ago because they had not yet been born, and therefore there was nobody to count, but that’s not what the Almighty meant.
Another error. The heirs were foreordained… and counted… long before the seed was ever thrown down at the founding of the [physical] world. The Most Holy One of Israel does not know only the number of every hair on our heads… the number of every one of us.
Regardless of the ultimate count it seems evident that the heirs to the promise will eventually dwarf a mere 144,000. Even the Israelites who numbered in the millions were referred to as beings as numerous as the stars (Deut. 1:10).
Absolutely. But… you are forgetting the great crowd… from among the NATIONS.
Seventh, that the 144,000 is not an exact number is made manifest by Jesus’ statement that the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will also be in heaven:
Again, this article ASSUMES, as does the WTBTS, that ONLY the 144,000 GO to heaven. This is an error.
Central to the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs is the doctrine that the “Kingdom is in heaven, not earth” (NWT at 1653) and that neither the patriarchs, ancient prophets or anyone before the time of Christ goes to heaven. Yet somehow, in an effort to dislodge the patriarchs from heaven and disavow the words of Christ they theorize that this banquet in the kingdom of heaven is actually on earth.
They are wrong…
Paul also stated that the patriarchs and other men of old sought a heavenly reward, not earthly, and that this heavenly destination was achieved on the basis of their faith.
None-the-less, the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach, incorrectly, that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will not go, and never wanted to go, to heaven. This is understandable because to concede otherwise would completely erode their 144,000 theory.
The article is correct here - the WTBTS is incorrect…
(To be continued)