I remember once upon a time that no Christmas advertising or merchandise was spotted until the day after Thanksgiving. Well in the last few years, that semi rule has been set aside. But today, 17 days before Halloween, I saw a Target commercial for Christmas. What's next? 4th of July? New Years? 365 days until Christmas buy now!
OK this is a 1st
by wha happened? 17 Replies latest social entertainment
Nobody has any money to buy anything, so those ads are a waste of time.
All projections are that the USA is facing an approximate overall unemployment rate of from 10% to !2% for the next 5 years, and are facing more taxes on top of that. No money = no purchases.
Happy Holidays.
"For each according to his ability to each according to his need." - Karl Marx, 1875 in his seminal argument to steal from those who actually produce something and give that to those who don't. It was the Communist model and it failed. It is the liberal model and it will fail.
What happens when you steal ALL of the largess from those who actually produce something and give it to those who don't? Or what happens when you steal enough from those who actually do something and they decide it is no longer worth the effort to do something? What can you do when they all give up on Government theft?
What happens to those who have been getting something for not doing anything, then? Do you think they will not be restless after having lived on the efforts of others for so long? Do you think they will finally figure it out and blame themselves? Or do you think they will expect the Government to find some other ways to feed their addiction to free everything?
Farkel, Soapbox CLASS
John Doe
Farkel, you should write a book about how to derail any subject into a liberal communist bashing bitchfest in 50 words or less.
John Doe
john doe,
:Farkel, you should write a book about how to derail any subject into a liberal communist bashing bitchfest in 50 words or less.
Happy Holidays brought to you by bad government policies, liberal and conservative, communist and fascist.
Yes I've seen christmas stuff going up already. It's far too commercial for me these days.
Since my company has made it clear that we are not getting a bonus (13th Cheque) presents will be small. I can still enjoy the whole season, it's all about family and love anyway.
I hope this isn't too off-topic, but here's my nomination for worst children's
present of the year:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI85iwzEj9k -
Yea they started putting out Xmas stuff at our Walmart last weekend........
Kmart/Sears started running TV ads for Xmas lay-away at the first of Oct. too
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Jesus would be so pist if he knew what was going on at his birfday.