Jesus does NOT want you to come to him via guilt,
Looking for voices of reason
by judi8751 20 Replies latest jw friends
You all giving me such good advice xxx answer to your question it would be the worse thing I could do. This man has made me homeless 4 times, and is still in dehial over it... this good JW never worked for years but would lie to the brothers about his employment. When we went before the elders and I said it was financial abuse , they said it wasnt because he didnt withhold money from me???????. I dont really know the difference, whats the difference between not supporting your family or witholding money from them???????
This may sound harsh, and I apologize:
From the little you've share here, these are not the kind of people I want to hang around with -
Nor are they showing the qualities of a loving organization, or a Godly one.
Thanks for all the comments, strangely my work colleagues whom I use to view as undesirables have been fantastic, I have been to social events etc and had FUN
This is the secret silver lining in the dark cloud of leaving the JW quickly discover, (if you even halfway try), that many so-called worldly people are really friendly, generous, nice people who are glad to be your friend.
The witnesses have told you all along - don't trust them, "they lie cheat murder steal rape and teach the demons" - and I suppose some small part do - (and we should always be careful) --- but:
The person leaving the witnesses quickly discovers that ordinary people are just that - ordinary. And many ordinary people are very nice people, despite what we had been told.
VoidEater your comments ARE TRUE, no need to apologise!
Jwoods what you say is very insightful, when I left my husband these 'worldly people" bought me essentials for my new home, helped me to move, visited me, invited me out etc etc.
the elders said we cannot condone this so they couldnt help me......what christian love for their sister !!!!!
the elders said we cannot condone this so they couldnt help me......what christian love for their sister !!!!!
Denial of help when help is needed the most. Typical.
Hang in there.
JUDI 8751- Welcome to the board friend. I'm so sorry you have been mistreated by your significant other. It's not your fault. You have nothing to feel guilty about. I'm glad you are finding comfort with fellow workmates. There are LOTS of good, caring people outside Jehovah's Witnesses - it's not what they tell us or falsely warn us about. You mentioned you have confusion. May I ask what you are specifically feeling confused about ? I have a hunch- but would like a little more info. Take care, you are among friends here who have been there, done that. Peace to you, Mr. Flipper
Ah Sweetie.... HUGS!
You have moved on and it is time to cut your ties.
A quick cut is better then a drawn out undoing string by string.
Elders were wrong.....they just didn't want to cast stones probably because they had their own guilt or fear of finding themselves like him one day.
Make an appointment at the salon and get the works done........forget the past as it is unchangable while the future is yours to decide.
If you wanna DA, than DA ......or just simply tell the Elders you are feeling very very very 'stumbled' and can't bear to talk about it. Ask for their prayers and that you will contact them should you feel the need, until then.......just consider you inactive, assure them Jehovah knows your heart and bid them farewell and godspeed.
Dear Judi8751
You may not understand it at this point but Satan is behind the traumas we all experience with the express purposes of causing suffering AND creating the legal strongholds of FEAR, ANGER, BITTERNESS and RESENTMENT in VICTIMS, through which he can gradually take control of our minds.
That is why FORGIVENESS is such a powerful weapon against Satan. Praying to God to put forgiveness in your own heart. However you are not obligated to EXTEND this forgiveness to someone who neither ADMITS nor REPENTS. This forgiveness in your own heart is for your OWN protection. It is a biblical principle that is repeated in many scriptures - FORGIVENESS extended to a PERPETRATOR is PRECEDED by REPENTANCE by the perpetrator.
The most powerful and healing spiritual medicine you will ever encounter is the true "good news" or "gospel". This is the one taught by apostle Paul - not the one taught via oral tradition to and by the elders. If you invite God and his son to put this true "good news" in your heart, and to prepare your heart with faith and repentance of your own fallen, sinful and captive condition - you are close to experiencing true Christian freedom. Yes God wants to use the price Jesus paid to redeem you (despite being a sinner) and IMPUTE righteousness, holiness and perfection to you as his adopted daughter.
JWs do not believe, teach and/or understand this central biblical doctrine which is called JUSTIFICATION by God's undeserved kindness. JWs teach that the bible is lying when it says that "all sorts of men" can be saved through Jesus' mediatorship (1 Tim 2:4,5) and that "men of all sorts" can be declared "righteous for life" by imputation (Rom 5:18). They claim that this applies only to a small EXCLUSIVE group or CLASS of around 9,000 remaining on the earth - many of whom they regard to be "frauds" because they are "under 60" and/or "emotionally unstable".
See my post on the "good news" or "gospel" with highlights at:
Warm Christian love
Black Sheep
Hi Judi. Welcome to the forum.
It must be nice having family 'out' that you can turn to.
Ynot's advice to try to get more involved in the community is a good one. Now that you realise that the 'undesirables' are actually good people and nowhere near as judgemental as JWs you will lose that reluctance to socialise that gets ingrained into most of us.
Stick around and ask as many questions as you want.