Could this be the end ?

by Ralph47 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    The END to many things arrived with the internet.

  • rhett

    Simler, eh, I don't care about that. Then again I'm a technology geek so the more I get the happier I am.
    As for the great tribulation, speculating on when it would begins would imply that the bible is just a strange religous book written thousands of years ago that has any relevance on our life today, which it doesn't. Yeah yeah, I know, it says be good and all that other stuff. So what? Like I need a book written by a bunch of delusional people thousands of years ago to figure that one out.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • ChimpGirl

    Dear Ralph

    More important than whether or not it's 'the end' is that you take positive steps to liberate yourself from the destructive JW mindset. You've been trained to look on the dark side of life, glass always half empty, etc. Try looking out for the positive things in the world instead. This obsession with the end of the world really is dreadfully unhealthy. Read your New Testament again, using a proper translation, not the dodgy JW one, and focus on what it says about God's character being loving, forgiving, understanding, etc. Learn to enjoy him instead of anticipating Armageddon. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to spend your life worrying about the end - we're supposed to enjoy life, that was the original plan, remember?
    Kind regards

  • wheelwithinwheel

    I think in a couple of years the Society’s going to realize what a lot have already figured out. That, like the generation, the great tribulation applies to Jerusalem and her destruction. In a few years you’ll know this all officially when the Watchtower reveals it to you as new light. In the meantime, stop fretting and get on with your life.

  • Ralph47

    Ok i know some of you people arent witnesses. You aint going to change my thoughts and why are you in a jw board, go to your own board instead of insulting jw's.

  • Celia

    Now, this is funny Ralph...
    A JW board ?
    Scroll up and read what it says.
    What insult are you talking about ?
    All the answers you got speak the truth...
    The truth about "the Troof".

  • wheelwithinwheel

    Hey Ralphy

    How d'y like the holiday decorations on your JW board. Could that be Father Christmas playing hid and seek ... or is it a demonized red JW strompf? We can't seem to get it to disappear. Would appear to be apostates here... APOSTATE ALERT... POUUT...POUTTT...POUTTTTT!!!!!!!

    You gonna move around this board - keep your Watchtower mold tight on your head or the little gears in your brain might be jolted into movement.

  • Satanus


    You need help, and you've come to the right place.


  • rhett

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ralph! You are too funny man! Look around you? What makes you think this board is for cult members (ie JW's)? Could it be that the Christmas decorations? Maybe the fact that it says all are welcome? How about the fact that we actually talk about anything the Watchtower says as being full of crap? I couldn't care less if we change your mind. If you're happy with your nice little JW blinders on then who am I to try to change that? Thanks for the laugh though!!!

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Ralph47

    What What What
    Do you think i care what your say ! What What
    You make me laugh ! What What
    What What What
    You people have no lives ! What What
    What What What
    Well if i make you laugh, i will continue to post ! What What
    What What What What What What What What What What What What

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