Yeah, I remember watching this very video a few years back with my wife before our daughter was born. We actually had a conversation about something along these lines tonight. At the last assembly that they had in Richmond, a young girl was brought on stage where she spoke about how she gave up going to college even though she was doing quite well in High School in order to serve Jehovah. I think selfless acts like these are commendable but no one seems to suggest that it is equally possible to serve the Lord and attend college.
So here are some things that was brought up:
Wife: Instead of putting Kingdom interest first, people go to college and pursue "worldly" goals in order to make lots and lots of money.
Me: You mean like getting a high paying job like a doctor or lawyer.
Wife: You know they are in it for the money, how is that putting Kingdom interest first?
Me: I understand what you mean about some lawyers being all about the money. They eventually sell their souls (or violate their concious in a big way) in order to obtain status and wealth. But couldn't a lawyer be useful to the organization? Doesn't the Watchtower society use lawyers to ensure that Jehovah's Witnesses have the freedom to go door to door? Doesn't that benefit Kingdom interest?
Me: What about doctors? Wouldn't it be nice if a Jehovah's Witness aspires to be a doctor who specializes in performing surgeries without using blood or maybe researches other bloodless treatments that actually work? That would greatly benefit the hapless witnesses facing these real difficult decisions over blood use. Wouldn't this benefit Kingdom interest?
I am not sure why, but this reasoning was lost on my wife. She thinks I am trying to combine worldly things with Kingdom things. I asked her why is it so discouraged for witnesses to go to college. Aren't there people there too who might would benefit from hearing the Kingdom message? The witness could maybe organize a group to perform Bible studies with? If this thing could actually gain traction, I could imaging their numbers getting very large indeed.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses take such dim views on college? I can understand why one should seek first the Kingdom of God and have all our needs added to us but why take such a dim view of higher education? If every Jehovah's Witness followed this recommendation can you imagine what the Society would be like with all of its member having nothing more than a High School diploma (or maybe not even that).