I've heard a little about this business, but I'm curious as to what you all think about it. JW and exJW women - do you/did you believe it and abide by it? JW and exJW men - do you still believe it? How do you practice it? I personally don't put much credence in it...I prefer Galatians 3:28. I guess I've been thinking on here because a lot of people, despite being exJWs seem to have a knee-jerk reaction to this idea when I talk about my situation. They said I, the nonJW woman, should expect if I marry a JW man, to be under his headship. That's what he'll expect and that the elders will even come by to talk to me about it.
I don't know if I'm explaining myself effectively, but do any of you get how BIZARRE a concept that is to me? That just because the WTS teaches some headship rule (and I know other religions do as well) and that elders might even come by to talk about it, that I will be inclined to listen to them when I neither believe in the WTS' teachings on that or in the authority of some elder? Those are their rules, not mine! I guess I might equate it to someone from another country expecting you to follow the laws of their country, instead of your own. THEM: "Hey! The speed limit is 55 in Austria! You have to drive 50!" ME: "Well, that's great for you, but I'm not a citizen of Austria, and I can't drive 55!" =)
Am I missing something?
Ok, thoughts welcome!