Before you answer that question, ponder it for a bit.
by Farkel 29 Replies latest jw friends
Before you answer that question, ponder it for a bit.
Hate is an emotion. Emotions are neither good nor bad. It's how we act on emotions that can be either good or bad. More in line with your question, sometimes it is can be appropriate or unharmful to act on the emotion of hate. If I hate anchovies, it is unharmful to avoid eating them. If I hate the way someone treats me, it may be appropriate to avoid their company. There's no hard and fast rule on when to act on hate. It must vary by individual and situation.
EDIT: I believe that terms like "good" and "bad" are better expressed as "beneficial" or "harmful."
I don't think so. There is only one person in this world that I hate, but it is still hate mixed with pity. I hate how my best friend had to deal with this ass of a father she had. Do I hate him? Probably so. If he needed my help, would I help him.......probably not.
I'm not sure what you are asking Farkel. Even after all the hell I went through with my ex, I still manage to feel more pity than hate--but at times I have hated him with a purple passion--probably not him but the things he did.
Complicated question.
Oh yeah, bluecanary. I really hate mayo!
Please look at as a logical question, rather than an emotional one.
Is hating always bad?
What are the parameters for separating hate logically and emotionally? My thought is that one should never hate a person or group of people, even our enemies. That is reactionary emotional hate. But, logically, vile behaviors such as murder, rape, incest, etc. should be hated. So, no, hating is not always wrong or bad.
:What are the parameters for separating hate logically and emotionally?
Logic is sitting on a mountain and contemplating a human emotion rationally.
Emotion is feeling that hate and forming an attitude as a result of a feeling.
They are very different things.
Refer to Bluecanary.
contemplating a human emotion rationally.Farkel, say you're doing this...sitting on a mountain and contemplating an emotion. Give me some words...explain what this would sound like. I'm not being silly. I want to know.
Hate is not a healthy emotion, if we hate too much, it would be disastrous to our health, learn to let some things go so we would not need to be stressed out physically and emotionally. Is hating always bad? Most of the time, the answer is YES. We need more kinder souls in the world, so the world does not need to be filled with more hatred.
I have pondered Sir!
I don`t think Hate always is Bad..
It`s definitly a motivator..