Scans of Booklet

by chasson 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bohm

    Chasson - THANKS for all your hard work!

  • ziddina

    Thank you, Chasson!

  • agonus

    Chasson, thank you as well

  • chasson

    Thanks for your appreciation. I will try to ROC the pdf i have made. I am testing the linux software gscan2pdf, and the first try is here:

  • chasson

    The last scan has been revised, since the loss of the page 19 in the previous scan.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    That is in the 1939 Yearbook Check out some of the links here The Best of... WTS, Hitler and the Holocaust While the content in some of the threads are still active some of the links provided in the threads may be broken.

  • BluesBrother

    The booklet and talk "Peace, Can it Last? " is of special interest . One of the things I learned as a kid was that in this the WTS had (apparently alone and at the height of WW2) foretold a coming peace and that the League of Nations would be reformed, as "The beast climbing out of the abyss" in Rev 17...This was quite impressive as a piece of modern day prophecy fulfilled.

    The Rev Climax book makes a thing of this in saying :Chap 34, par 4 & 5,

    "What light did the talk “Peace—Can It Last?” throw on the prophecy? Clearly identifying the scarlet-colored wild beast of Revelation 17:3 as the League of Nations, N. H. Knorr went on to discuss its stormy career on the basis of the angel’s following words to John: The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction.”—Revelation 17:8a.

    The wild beast . . . was.” Yes, it had existed as the League of Nations from January 10, 1920, onward, with 63 nations participating at one time or another. But, in turn, Japan, Germany, and Italy withdrew, and the former Soviet Union was dropped from the League. In September 1939 the Nazi dictator of Germany launched World War II. Having failed to keep peace in the world, the League of Nations virtually plunged into an abyss of inactivity. By 1942 it had become a has-been. Neither before this nor at some later date—but right at that critical time—did Jehovah interpret to his people the full depth of meaning of the vision! At the New World Theocratic Assembly, N. H. Knorr could declare, in line with the prophecy, that “the wild beast . . . is not.” He then asked the question, “Will the League remain in the pit?” Quoting Revelation 17:8, he answered: “The association of worldly nations will rise again.” That is just how it proved to be—in vindication of Jehovah’s prophetic Word!"

    However, by reading the scanned booklet it is clear that many observers by this time anticipated peace, only the dubs had not up to then. Pages 11 & 12 of the booklet quotes sources saying the Nations themselves were seeking to create a new United States of the world, a United Nations Organisation. So Nathan Knorr was only repeating and paraphrasing what the media was saying , and applying that to Rev 17.....Not exactly the "gift of prophecy" is it??

    Incidentally they applied the Bab the Great image to Catholicism then of course , which was changed in the sixties....

    My thanks also for the scans ....great work..!

  • chasson

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