Today I noticed my personal website was hacked again. Over the last year my site has been hacked by several different worms that try to infect your web browser when you view my site.
These hacks are all the result of poor security measures and a gross lack of applying security patches to the hosting server.
Today I had enough and emailed my hosting company to let them know that, once again, my site was hacked. Here is the email exchange:
Elsewhere To Hosting Company:
Both of my sites are down:
I also noticed that the HSphere is not working. I can login to HSphere but cannot access the file manager.
Hosting Admin to Me:
hey [Elsewhere] your site not down
1 hacked http://[mySite1].com just delete that Idiot index page that most of
time fixes the Issues and change your PASSWORD TO SOMETHING BETTER
Elsewhere To Hosting Company:=========
Do not try to blame my password. It is long, alphanumeric and with punctuation marks.
You're server was hacked by "iSKORPiTX" using a known vulnerability that should have been patched on your servers. Entry was gained via this known vulnerability, not my FTP or HSphere account.
Over the last year I have had to clean up my site from being hacked by worms no less than four times.
This is happening due to pore security measures and a gross lack of proper server patch updates.
You guys need to get your act together.
Hosting Admin to Me:=========
excuse me No just your account was hacked so stop your Bullshit
Yup... that did it for me. I'm signing up for a new hosting company tomorrow.
I know he is lying because over 40,000 websites were hacked by the same hacker using the same technique... all within a 24 hour period.