by Fernando 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confuzzled

    Wow...I come from a religion where our filthy laundry is aired in public, and debated, and discussed openly at Bible study. As an Episcopalian our "Gay Marriage" and "Ordaining Women" issues can be seen on CNN (side bar, my own Reverend has said flat he with leave the cloth if forced to grant gay marriages). Questions and debate lead to better understanding, and growth, and the the Bible specifically demands Christians seek Wisdom. I can't imagine not being able to speak my mind, or not being able to ask "Why?".

  • Heaven

    Hi Fernando and welcome to the Forum.

    Simply put, elders label those exposing error as apostates to keep control. It's all about total submission to the Governing Body with the JWs. It is part of mind-control used by cults. And this group is a cult. If you haven't seen this, check it out: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/fear-cult-mind-control.php

  • trueblue

    JWs are like the medieval, If one that has great financial backing and does not like you cries out witch, they will keep @ you...

  • garyneal
    I can't imagine not being able to speak my mind, or not being able to ask "Why?".

    Agreed, I've been attending church where I came across what some would call a 'minor' issue regarding the belief in speaking in an unknown tongue with an interpreter. My background of being baptized in an Independent Fundamental Baptist church taught me that tongues were done away with and the only speaking of tongues allowed are speaking other languages. Therefore, I raised the issue with both the lead pastor and associate pastor of the church. They were more than happy to show me scripture explaining why they practice what they do. Result, while I am still unsure and still tend to disagree with the practice (mainly because of the potential for abuse) I can at least accept that they're following the Bible as closely as possibly and that their interpretation could be correct.

    Publicly agreeing to disagree on certain teachings is not allowed under the Watchtower.

    Concerning the "gay marraige" and "ordaining women" issues in your church. The church I attend actually has 6 (or maybe 7) different types of churches holding services there and one of them is an Anglican church. They made a statement concerning the goings on in the Episcopalian churches stating that they do not take part of it. When I told my wife about this she asked, "Why not just stop associating with the Episcopalians even in name?" I'm not exactly sure how to answer that but I do wonder if she were to ever find out about the goings on in the Watchtower society whether or not she would stop associating with them.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Because its easier to attack the person than to attack the problem.

  • freydo

    There are seven things that idenify an apostasy.

    Number 1......The real apostacizers accusing truthful ones of apostasy.

    #2.................Pose as God's special people, with no salvation possible outside, with claims of exclusive knowledge

    #3 ................Development of a strong organization

    #4.................Worship of the organization

    #5.................Claims of divine revelation

    #6.................Weapons of excommunication developed

    #7.................Threats of divine wrath on non-believers

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