"It's OK To Come Here, It's Not Unscriptural"

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Angel Eyes said this. I agree that it's OK to come here and it's not unscriptural.

    So, I'm confused. Why would the Watchtower Organization, the Faithful & Discreet Slave and its representatives, say Witnesses shouldn't come onto sites like these? Help me out.

  • leavingwt

    Wisely, our Mother realizes that Apostate Jedi Mind Tricks are quite real.

  • snowbird

    Angel Eyes is about to take that great leap.

    Let's be here to make her landing a soft one.


  • isaacaustin

    I agree with AE that it is not unscriptural to come here- she is right. However the WT disagrees. I posted several WT articles 2 weeks ago on the Wt veiw of apostate websites, or even non-WT endorsed websites that bare the name jehovahs Witnesses.

  • minimus

    It's wonderful to have open minded (rebellious) Jehovah's Witnesses like AE here on this site! We've been compared to "poison" but in small doses, we won't killya!

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    hey nice to know im famous :) yay thanks guys enjoy a well deserved feast.

  • minimus

    I just wish that other Witnesses saw it like you, dear.

  • blondie

    Not scriptural? The WTS uses scriptures here:

    *** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 13 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11)

    ***w042/15p.17par.9GuardAgainstDeception***How can we guard against being deceived by apostates? By heeding the advice from God’s Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them." (Romans 16:17) We "avoid them" by steering clear of their reasonings—whether in person, in printed form, or on the Internet. Why do we take such a stand?

    First, because God’s Word directs us to do so, and we trust that Jehovah always has our best interests at heart.—Isaiah 48:17, 18.

  • isaacaustin

    Look AE, you are here. What has been posted as far as WT lit is clear...as is the experience of many. Why not simply let the issue drop and not go posting that your cong knows you are here and are fine with it, telling us this website does not fall under Wt disapproval, etc. If you feel you are right and we are wrong, oh well. You know where you stand and that is all that counts anyway. I doubt others here would keep bringing up this issue if you didn't as well. Just a thought to maybe put this point to rest.

  • leavingwt

    Partaking from the Table of Demons: It's No Longer Just for Apostates!

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