Why Ask Us?

by Georgiegirl 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Georgiegirl

    I'm curious about a trend I've noticed - supposed active JWs coming here to ask specific questions about JW policy - why don't they just go ask their elders? Why ask a group of people who are openly anti-JW? Most of us are either a: faded, b: inactive, c:disfellowshipped, d: disassociated e: never a JW f:apostate. Why in the world would someone who is supposedly still active in the congregation come HERE to ask what the current teachings are? Why not ask an elder directly?

    Let's see, I can think of some reasons:

    1. Lying and not active at all but pretending to be for some really sick reason.

    2. Disfellowshipped and ashamed and desperate for information but can't ask.

    3. Don't trust the elders anymore but won't/can't admit it.

    Anyone one else have any ideas?

  • wobble

    Dear Georgiegirl,

    Just to give some the benefit of the doubt, I think they were asking about policy before doing something because they did not want to be DF'd or DA'd.

    Beliefs is a different matter, I guess some arcane things can be dragged from the memory of old hands like me, but current beliefs, why don't they look 'em up ?

    I have noticed too that some are too lazy to use the search facility on here, to access the Archive, where a lot of their questions have already been answered.

    Any old how, they aren't as annoying as someone who just had her thread locked, (A.E), but I think we are justified in saying to them "ask your Elders" for run of the mill stuff.



  • snowbird

    I'm for #3.


  • iknowall558

    Why not ask an elder directly ?


    I did this... my husband did this...my friends did this.... We were all the subject of a marking talk given in our congregation about apostasy. We were viewed with suspicion, ....people started to avoid us and treat us appallingly.....(all before we officially left). To ask the elders anything......outwith what the Slave says on a subject is a big risk... They used the questions my hubby asked them to form a judicial committee resulting in his disfellowshipping. He also privately went to speak to his fleshly brother, also an elder, who later on used that information against him, when he stood as a witness at his judicial and his appeal committee. This was a private conversation between two brothers !

    The thing is, even though we were all from the same congregation, (ninja, passwordwordprotected and his wife, hoboken and myself), all of us, independantly from each other, had started to wake up and found ourselves questioning the teachings and policies. We never consulted with each other until it came to a point where we knew we were finding it difficult going to meetings etc. When I found out about PP and his wife...I was shocked, and I know they were equally surprised that we felt the same way. Ninja, had already been out about a year, and he was invaluable in providing us with much needed info....COC etc.

    So, unless anyone who wakes up, wants to fade and keep contact with their family, I would say, dont even begin to bring your questions to the elders. They will be on your case....watching and listening...

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    I know I for 1 like to ask you guys because you have alot of experience, you've been there, (as they say) and you see both sides.

  • isaacaustin

    GG, I would think all of your three alternatives combined. Obviously can not be a JW who trusts the GB- if they did they would follow the GB's counsel NOT to hear the other side of the story. JWs are told not to listen to a dfed person's side of the story....not to listen to things critical of the org, etc. They are probably either dfed or a JW Wannabe who never made it and beleive so feel guilty and hate themselves. And for some reason they alleviate their pain with a twisted pleasure of riling others up...like a crank caller.

  • Georgiegirl

    Yes, the question was really a bit rhetorical...anyone who is truthful and honest would admit that being here and asking questions of us is directly in opposition to what the organization advises. Personally, I find it enormously hypocritical when anyone claims to be active and to be faithful to the organization and then comes HERE in direct disobedience to ask questions of "apostates". It would be so much easier to understand if a person said - Look, I'm in the organization and I really WANT it to be true but I have serious doubts and I'm scared to ask in my congregation because I'm scared of the repercussions. There have been many who have done that and they have my respect because they are being honest. It's those that claim to be completely loyal yet ask really obvious questions that I find hypocritical.

    I suppose I'm asking a rational question to understand irrational action.

  • isaacaustin

    I agree totally GG. Someone doing as you suggested would likely not be grilled here on why they are here. It is the hypocrisy that irks people.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    not be grilled here?? lol..... just like anywhere really...some people are ready to grill you and disbelieve,judge whatever and some are kind,gentle and caring wanting to help...

    Thats life

  • isaacaustin

    An open and honest approach generally puts outs any fire before it is kindled. We live in a world where people question to validate assertions....but the more open and honest one is the smoother things go....

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