I've recently seen that some teaching have changed. So my question is, If someone was df'd for instance for divorcing there partner for having gay relations and this was years ago when there wasnt grounds for it, so they were df'd, if now because the understanding has changed, could they appeal and be reinstated with a public apology?
What if those df'd......could they?
by angel eyes 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No way.
I remember a talk where a bethelite said that he knew some brothers that were attempting to institute change in the watchtower. They were disfellowshipped and then a few years later, those changes were instituted. The moral of the story was that Jehovah works at his own pace and if we try to go in front of him we will be punished, even if we're right.
No AE, the sin becomes not being loyal to the org. If someone got dfed in 1992 for not beleiving 'this generation' was the 1914 generation they were dfed...not to be reinsated 11/95 upon the WT change. You must stay loyal to the org....bottom line
Public apology- the WT??? yeah right/
angel eyes
thanks for the insight. Thats all i wish is to learn more.
This reminds me of something I read a couple of years ago, but my memory is failing me. It was basically an account of a woman who was raped and later DF'd because she didn't scream. Later, when the watchtower changed it's requirement of screaming she was not reinstated.
Does anyone else remember this?
angel eyes
maybe she didnt scream out of fear. Thats awful, what wt was that?
look it up on your WT CD AE. Actually post it here for us.
angel eyes
I dont have the cd roms.....what year was it? I dont have old bound vols either....well i have some from a sis who died.