Sexual Frigidity is Caused by Feminism--wt quoted this author

by rebel8 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    when the ovum is at large - oooh my I laughed hard at that - sooooooo funny.

    **wipes the tears**

  • rebel8

    Why are you laughing?

    At-large ovums cause itchy nipples.

    I think "at-large ovum" should be my new user name here.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    If you all are going to chew your cud I wish you'd do it quietly.

  • donny

    "There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy"? Just interviewing a girl can result in a pregnacy? I'm glad I'm not a talk show host!


  • rebel8

    Sexual Frigidity Is Caused by Feminism

    Is it just me, or did the article get removed from the link?

  • chickpea

    the link is working for me

    and might i add...

    weird stuff this article is espousing

    exponentially creepy!

  • skeeter1

    OMG. This was in the 1960's, and I could just see the Watchtower croonies having a cow about feminism. So, they went shopping for an expert that matched their views and fears. Printed and distributed the article. The JW men read and said, "Me man, You Woman, Submit."

    Anyway I agree that the clit is a great gift from Jehovah, as are many other hot spots on a woman's body. And, these hot spots are empowered by the woman's all powerful mind that she is worthwhile, respected, beautiful, etc. For some woman, I suspect that feeling may come with a domineering man who makes all the decisions. But, for most women, it is a self-awareness that she can achieve and her partner empowers her to achieve the goals that she has set for herself.


  • flipper

    Sexual frigidity is caused by uninformed men not knowing how the hell to please a woman and make her have an orgasm. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Lillith26

    I was thinking it, but you said Mr Flipper

    Licks If only the GB knew what they were missing out on

  • LouBelle

    rebel - the nipple is back to normal.

    Mr Flipper....are there any single dolphins that you know of?

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