While I was active, I would find someone on the web that would post/share their complete reference information on the Theocratic Ministry School and I would print it for my mother. It would include all the WT materials excerpted from their books for each week's school. Many people did it. It would be about 100 pages or so and could be carried in a nice small notebook, then you wouldn't have to dig out the books every week.
Mom really appreciated it. Even after I was active, I did it for her. I figured less time in the WT Library or in their books was better for her. Last year, she shared it with others who copied it from what I provided for her.
So she asked again for the 2010 information. She knows I don't go to any of the meetings. I told her, "It's not available this year." She asked why not? I told her that the yearly schedule wasn't going to be posted in the Kingdom Ministry. She still didn't get it. Finally, I got it through to her that there was not going to be an insert at all. "Well, how are we going to know what to study?"
My mother is really a smart person, but she's been a JW-creature-of-habit. I suppose this is good because it means she hasn't paid attention to her Kingdom Ministry. I told her, "Each week's lesson is in the KM. You have to read it each week to see what you will study." Her answer was "Oh, I hadn't noticed." Granted, she is still using the info. I provided a year ago. I just thought it strange that such a heavy reader who gives the appearance that she thoroughly studied for each meeting didn't notice this. And a totally inactive fader had to tell her.