Lukemia Witness dies due to lack of blood.....the horrific sad story.

by Witness 007 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • BathroomServant1

    This reminds me of my own situation, I was in my teens at the time. I too refused blood for fear of being disfellowshipped. Now, that threat of excommunication no longer scares me and I am finally living a happy life, not one of fear and control.

    Everyone that is still "in" should look at themselves in the mirror, evaluate your happiness. Is it real?

    Do you refuse blood because you don't want to upset God? If so, that is the wrong reason, since the Org takes the place of God and Christ. My view is that the blood doctrine was placed in the Bible simply because medicine at the time was unable to detect diseases or other complications of transfusing blood. I mean, we eat foods now that were condemned in the Bible at one time.

    Just my $.02

  • isaacaustin

    BS1, this doctrine obviously does not stnad up under any sort of examination- even a cursory one.

  • PSacramento

    Another person dies because of a perverted and loveless doctrine.

    Truly breaks my heart when we see this over and over, one can only imgine the pain that Jesus feels when he sees these atrocities commited in his name or Our Father's name.

    Some people will have so muich to answer for.

  • isaacaustin

    so sad, such misplaced loyalty...counts for absolutely nothing. As Jesus said in Matthew- they have there reward in full- the approval of man...nothing else

  • Mary
    How many more lives have to end this way before the GB will see the real light??????

    The Governing Body members are more than aware that the ban on blood transfusions cannot rationally or reasonably be based on scripture. Were they not afraid of the lawsuits that would follow, they almost certainly would have dropped this ridiculous doctrine at least a decade ago. It's a classic case of having the bear by the tail: they can't let go and still save face.

    People like my sister and the wife and children of the 41 year old man who just died would most likely be horrified and angry that their husbands might still be here today if the "new light" on blood had only happened sooner. That's what the moron at Brooklyn said to me a few months ago when I called to discuss the blood issue. I had a copy of my project sitting in front of me and he had absolutely no rebuttal for anything I said. At the end of the conversation he babbled something like: '...Well if there's going to be any new light, Jehovah will bring it through the Faithful and Discreet Slave' and urged me not to 'run ahead of the Organization.'

    They know. But their love of money and power supercedes any twinge of conscience they might feel at all the thousands of Witnesses who die needlessly over this issue.

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