I have tried to debate evolution/ark a couple of times with witnesses. Two of these were elders, and one had the benefit of conversing with me over mail; he also showed an interest and knowledge on some scientific subjects that told me he had studied it a bit by himself. (it was him who brought up evolution in a pretty cocky, 'what is it you do not understand', manner).
The thing is that at every instance it has basically been a rehashing of the same conversation. I have been met with the same wrong arguments taken from "Life, how did it get here?" book as well as various creationist misunderstandings. I have yet to meet a jw who could DEFINE evolution remotely correct.
Because of this i have never really tried to 'proove' anything. I have never gone into the dirty details regarding birdlike/reptilelike traits of archaeoptoryx, which kind of fossilisation process that may occur over many years and which over few, etc. An example: The other day a guy wrote me and told me a 'proof' man is not created is the fact that we have 46 chromosomes and apes have 46 - you got to have a little background to know why this is funny.
It is not that the JW arguments against evolution are not supported by evidence, or contradicted by other evidence. I think everybody could live with that situation. It is that most of the time they never had any hope of being true, because they are build on wrong assumptions, misquotations or lies to begin with. I dont understand how a person can be sattisfied when the FDS, Gods own chanel, supplies arguments a snotty 20-something years old guy can shoot down by saying "well, it would indeed be critical if evolutionist didnt have any theory of how emotions could have evolved, but they do and they have had for 50 years, just google it!".
It is my impression that Jehovahs Witnesses in general care a lot for the truth (not only with a capital T). They believe they have found it, they are proud they have done so, and when they fearlessly jump in to defend creationism, they do so because they truly believe the Creation book and the litterature have supplied them with scienfically sound arguments, and that being right will negate whatever knowledge the other party may have.
What i am trying to understand is what mental process is triggered when it turns out that the other party not only have strong arguments, but are able to pick apart Gods own chancel's arguments one by one as being riddled with errors.
What did you do? Did you just shrug it off as yourself not having enough understanding of the FDS's arguments? That satan was pulling the strings? That the FDS was 'dumbing down' things to make it easier for some to understand?