Well, one brother I recognized had OCD long before anything was ever known about it. I was surprised that nothing was ever printed in the WT about it at the time, around 1990. I took him to a psychologist, something others frowned upon. Others tried to help by reading him passages in the Bible. The doctor easily recognized the problem and prescribed a medication that helped tremendously. Interestingly the doctor said it was the highest dose he ever prescribed. But the brother stopped being suicidal and eventually got married and led a better life for a while.
Another brother I recognized had a mental, not a spritual problem and also took him to the doctor. (Same doctor) The guy had paranoia. The doctor said it was the easiest mental problem to diagnose and the hardest to treat. (patients assumed the doctor was out to get them) The brother trusted me, took the meds and got better. To this day he thanks me for saving his life and marraige.
One of the first shepherding calls is went on as a newbie elders was A young teen age girl have issues. They were just normal growing up issues but the elders and her parents were up in arms. I remember one elder reading the WT to her about smoking and just creating a huge guilt trip. Can you imagine just reading to her out of the bound volume? She was not responding. This guy was an experienced elder and I was a newbie, but I told him to put the bound volume away. (he was not happy with me) I just started quietly talking to her not about smoking which was just a symptom of the problem but about being angry and unhappy and the reasons causing it. She was very stoic for a young girl but tears just started streaming down her face. I think she always appreciated that and we developed a close bond after that. She struggled through those years but ultimately I could see her become happy and I think she appreciated the first time when I just talked to her.
These are a just a few. I have more.