I think this article has a high likelihood of saddening those in the congregation who have lost their spouses in death.
I must be missing something...
by stillin 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I looked at the picture in the link that truthseeker had and the one praying is holding his own hands. Who is taking pictures during the prayer? Why is it in black and white? Was the prayer also in French or was the picture actually taken in NYC?
I want to know!
one praying is holding his own hands
That brother need to be careful.... Holding ones own hand could lead to masturbation
First off you can,t go by me, but I,m not a huggy, kissy, handholding type of person with anyone but
my wife. I was always unconfortable
with it. I don,t know why, and don,t care why. There was always some sisters always hugging
everyone when I was kid, and now it just seems to be worse. But I make it very clear that
they ain,t going to do it to me. I nipped that it the bud along time ago. If they did not get
the hint I would just hold my hand up and say hold it right there we are not going to hug.
As far as the prayer part, I consider it private between god and me. I also won,t let the elders pray
when they come to visit, I mean give me a break , they don,t think my prayers can be heard
any more that theirs. I just tell them that I can pray for myself thankyou.
I have some jws actually ask me why I don,t pray at meals. I tell them because I feel that is
a showy display, and what buisness is it of theirs anyway.
But,,, If people want to paw all over each other while praying that is their buisness, and I don,t have
to look. In other words I do my thing and they can do their thing.
Vachi 8 He Is
And how do we get UNstumbled from such nonsense? Practice it. 10 years ago it would've stumbled people if you told them they could have their entire music library on a device that fit in their pocket. 30-40 years ago it stumbled people to show a man and wife in the same bed, however we know at some point they had to get in the same bed at some point in time or else most of us wouldn't be here. 517 years ago people were stumbled over ChrisCo's voyage to prove the Earth "she isa round". The only way we can get past things and not stumble is if we push it to the limit and walk along the razors edge, don't look down just keep our head, or we'll be finished, something something something and something you know, throttle wide open like a bat outta hell and crash the gate. (crash the gate) Wait.......what was I talking about?