Soaring With Vangelis

by compound complex 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
  • Leolaia

    Good one.

    When I went on a Winstar cruise of Portugal, Spain, and France a number of years back, they blared out this tune everytime our ship left port. Very fitting and made it even more of an impressionable experience.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Leolaia!

    Thanks for sharing with us what had to have been a memorable occasion. I appreciate your entry.

    I misplaced my Reprise album and was bummed because Montserrat Caballe's and Jeremy Budd's [Psalmus Ode] offerings were my faves. Fortunately, both are on YouTube!

    Thanks again,


  • compound complex
  • SixofNine

    I know you have been searched, but, what you... you don' t realize is, is that in the back of the Maltese Falcon, I have the

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I wouldn't worry about your story's goofiness. You'd be in the cooler now if it had been sensible.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    WHAT?!?!? No Chariots of Fire?

  • SacrificialLoon
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Love this one, SL!

    Thanks for the requisite.


  • chickpea

    back in the mid-1980s, a minneapolis
    television station did a special report
    on soaring traffic fatalities, the causes
    and the solutions... no big surprise, DUI
    was a leading contributing factor...

    at the end of the program, they did a
    "roll call" of the dead from the previous
    year, running photos of the minnesotans
    who had died as a result of MVAs...
    no names, just one photograph after
    another of the faces of mothers, children,
    grandmothers, soldiers, cowgirls, firemen,
    high school football players, little ballerinas....
    us....that was their point.... this was us dying
    on the roads in record numbers

    this piece "to the unknown man"
    was played as background....
    (there are actually 3 more minutes
    to the song, but this is what was
    played on the documentary)

    even today, just listening to this music
    i see so many of those faces and feel
    the same great sadness for the senseless
    loss of so many lives

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