Question for believers: How does God set priorities?

by sir82 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • readyornot

    I do not believe in the Bible as a source of guidance. I understand that it serves to guide many, but not I. I do believe in God, however I'm not sure what form a Creator takes.

    I listened to a program on the radio with this physisist from India, who believes he can scientifically prove the existence of a creator using quantum physics. He also can find scientific proof that our mental abilities and perceptions have a profound impact on the matter that surrounds us. It was very interesting.

    What if, this man at the bus stop looking for a job, has so much belief in God's ability to help him, that he will set out with assurance to find himself one. The power of his thinking and the uses of his resources maybe what lands him his job, but what role did his belief play?

    People in third world countries have suffered atrocities most can not fathom. They may call on God for assistance, but how much do they really believe their prayers will be answered, given what they have seen and the conditions they live in. Perhaps it is the power of the belief system that brings out the experience or qualities of God within us.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    What we have here is another take on the problem of evil which can be summed up thus:

    1. The world is characterized by vast amounts of intensive and extensive suffering and evil.

    2. After enduring a life of hardship and pervasive suffering, many (if not most) humans will end up in hell, where they will be actively tortured forever and ever.

    3. All of this was known ahead of time by God, before He had even created ANYTHING or ANYONE.

    4. For some reason or motive, He "went ahead" with the plan anyway, but could have chosen to not implement it (or to start a different one altogether) or to interrupt it before it "went bad".

    I don’t believe in huge cut and paste jobs – usually, so, I’ll just post the link to an article that does are thorough and well thought out job of the issue. It is lengthy, but does address the question in the best fashion that I have ever seen it addressed.,_with_all

  • besty

    aguest claims:

    He spoke on this matter Himself.

    When there are claims of communication that transcend the rational my ears prick up, so to speak.

    We have a different threshold of acceptable evidentiary support - and that's why this thread is for believers only.

  • AGuest
    claims of communication that transcend the rational

    To whose "rationality" are you referring? I can explain what I believe. Please explain your comment. Thank you and...

    I bid you peace.

    A slave o Christ,


  • besty
    To whose "rationality" are you referring?


    "that which is reasonable"

    magick silent invisible men that live in the sky transcend that.

  • AGuest

    Ahhh... then perhaps that is why you believe that God and Christ are nothing more than "magick silent invisible men that live in the sky." They are neither magic or silent... and they don't live in the sky. The kingdom, indeed, the spirit realm... is inside you... and all around you. It can be in you... at the same time that you... are in it.

    I bid you peace... and perhaps a little bit better ability to rationalize, such that YOU might one day be able to transcend the limitations set by your own "reasonableness"... and mind.

    A slave of Christ,


  • besty
    They are neither magic or silent... and they don't live in the sky. The kingdom, indeed, the spirit realm... is inside you... and all around you. It can be in you... at the same time that you... are in it.

    And every good Muslim surely and sincerely agrees with all that. Just a question of definitions.

    Like I say, I apologize for stumbling into this thread,

  • AGuest

    Every GOOD Muslim does indeed believe this. Muslim fundamentalist fanatics, however, are not much different from 'christian' fundamentalist fanatics (you DO remember the Oklahoma bombing, don't 'cha? And Jim Crow? And the Native American genocide? Slavery?)

    Muslims are "brothers" of some TRUE christians... through Abraham. They are the seed of Ishmael, the first son of Abraham. Christians have their origins in the "firstfruits" of those in God's kingdom, the Jews, who are from Judah and Benjamin, sons of Israel (Jacob), the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.

    So, I do not speak against them, any more than I would speak against Jews... for I consider all of these be among the "least" ones of the brothers of Christ, a Jew, from the tribe of Judah, son of Israel (Jacob), son of Isaac... son of Abraham.

    You cannot lump all Muslims together any more than you can lump all christians... or all white people... or all poor people... or all Americans... or all Californians. Indeed, one of THE kindest, gentlest, loving persons I know is a Muslim man. He is VERY kind to me... although he knows me to be a christian by means of professing an anointing with holy spirit. He does not judge me... nor I him. To his own master he will stand or fall... and I to mine.

    I bid you peace... and, again, ears to hear and perhaps a bit more tolerance, at least with regards to things you DON'T know about...

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • PSacramento

    God Priorities?

    Perhaps Paul siad it best:

    Love, faith and hope and the greatest of these is Love.

  • besty

    And every good Hindu surely and sincerely agrees with all that. Just a question of definitions.

    Like I say, I apologize for stumbling into this thread,

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