Are you at peace with your beliefs?
1 = Very anxious / Confused / Searching
10 = Complete peace / Totally confident in belief system
(I'm 3)
by paul from cleveland 16 Replies latest jw friends
Are you at peace with your beliefs?
1 = Very anxious / Confused / Searching
10 = Complete peace / Totally confident in belief system
(I'm 3)
5 or 8? not sure.
I'm at a solid 7. Winging the rest.
I'll brave the stone throwing and say I'm 9.9 in my current beliefs as a deist of sorts.... I always reserve that .1 just in case........ no one is perfect
11 Don't care at this point today.
Lillith26 took the words out of my mouth. 9.9 it is.
Thanks. This makes it more interesting for me when reading your other posts.
When I came here I was about a 4 or 5. I was still freaked that armageddon 'might' come.
Whooooee have I changed. Give it time... it takes a while to unlearn all that bullshit.
I'm to the point now that if I am wrong (and believe me I'm not!), I'd rather be dead than live in that so-called paradise erf by the waterfall and all those societal misfits.
For the first time in my life (since 1998)... 10. Without reservation or doubt.
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,