Will there be more KH closings?

by Gayle 11 Replies latest social current

  • Gayle


    With local membership declining, the congregation has merged with the Kingdom Hall in Rockland.

    said the two congregations recently decided to combine to be “spiritually stronger ... so we can continue to do our preaching work, and take care of one another.”

    Kingdom Hall closings are unusual for the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They’ve had the highest growth rate of any U.S. denomination in recent years – more than 2 percent, according to a 2008 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. That’s at a time when the Roman Catholic Church and large Protestant denominations are losing members.


    Will there be more?

  • Heartbreaker

    I hope so.

  • blondie

    The congregations around here have had a dearth of MS candidates, sometimes 4 to 6 elders to 1 MS. Now that the book study arrangement doesn't require so many elders, this may alleviate that problem. In many congregations there are as many ex-elders as current elders and no likelihood of the ex-elders reactivating. How low would the publisher count have to go? I have been in congregations with only 30 publishers and 2 elders and 1 MS, but we were 40 miles away from the nearest other congregation. Would people want to drive 40 miles one way to the meetings in an area with bad winters? The number of congregations here have stayed pretty stable, but then it also means that in the last 25 years, no new congregations have formed either. Pretty static.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Numbers go up, numbers go down. They say there is still growth in the states. We see that it is probably in Spanish language congs. Give them some years and the Spanish will get tired of WTS.

    Any large religion or corporation will have to adjust their franchises according to local needs. YES, they will continue to sell properties, close KH's, merge congs. as people don't flock to the religion or outright walk away.

    I think we harp on this because they have always said to us that their growth was proof that they are God's organization. It's just a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION.

  • designs

    As an End Times focused religion they will have to fundamentally change their ideological view of the near future in order to have men want to serve as Elders and MS. What career strokes or social and economic improvement do you get as an Elder or MS in the religion. Many other Denominations have clear paths to advancement set out for people seeking to be a pastor or teach at a seminary, plus retirement benefits.

    The Society is at a critical apex in the choices they have made for their members.

  • wantstoleave

    KHs are empty over here. Ones around here were made to seat up to 250 people each, yet at most meetings, there are barely 30 people. Most are built as 'complexes' which usually have 2 halls joined by a foyer, and 4 congregations meet. For many years people have asked why they don't combine the congregations, but due to territory size, that hasn't happened.

    So, each meeting, those 30 odd people spread themselves out amongst 250 seats. Visitors must think it's hilarious seeing so many empty chairs.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Exciting times ahead for all.

    We dont seem to have any leaving but we havent had much increase either for a while.

  • DaCheech

    we have a small attendance too.

    2 or 3 times a year some "special" speaker shows up, seems like the pope arrives and voila! there are about 125 in attendance

    they get that warm fuzzy fealing inside, hands are shaking, smiles are blaring, young guys are looking for signoritas........... aaaah JW paradise

  • Quandry

    Exciting times ahead for all.

    Yes, I agree with angel eyes-it is exiting to know that the attendence is dwindling down.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It's supply and demand. Buildings and real estate are also assets, which was never lost on the GB, and is why the trusteeships and corporations in KHs in the US all are under the control of the "ecclesiastical Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses".

    After they lost a few KH's in the 90's due to apostasy, all elders had to sign official paperwork to ensure this. Now, even with dwindling contributions, Congregations with dwindling numbers can merge, money can be collected, the borg will continue to exist like the big pile of feces it is.

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