euw, who thinks this crap up? what a load of ol bollox!
Another JW email making the rounds: Stay in the Beehive
by truthseeker 21 Replies latest jw friends
This ranks up there with the Ezekiel Chariot (wheel within a wheel with eyes) representing God's fast moving chariot-like organization.
Oh my, look how fast it moves and is able to change directions at right angles without slowing down! .....Just like Ezekiels' vision chariot. AMAZING
Simon Morley
I recall many times being encouraged as an elder to use some of these inane illustrations by PO/CO/DO - I chose my own and often avoided them altogether if they simply made no sens or prduced quizical looks. Does anyone stop to think about these irrelevant illustrations that pop up? This is an interesting ilustration, which absoultely begs a question: The bees on the flowers - what were they doing? Answer: They were working for the benefit of the hive. Application: Don't work alone in FS - someone will whup your ass.
Nazis were very organized too.
I know some Orkin technicians who can take out the entire hive just about as quickly as the guy with the whip can flick away the individual bees.
Application: Don't work alone in FS - someone will whup your ass.
WTS: putting the smarm in swarm
from time immemorial -
Yes, didn't Jesus say that his followers would be known by their organization skills.
I have a bee colony. If the bees stay in the hive they all die.
Wow! Huh!
Bee`s that go from Flower to Flower..
Don`t belong to a Hive..
People with Brains..
Don`t go to Kingdom Halls..
.................... ...OUTLAW