Are you getting your H1N1 shot?
by AwSnap 44 Replies latest jw friends
So, who is this guy and why should I trust his opinion over that of my own doctor who has earned my trust? I won't deny that the same thought entered my mind. I have no idea who the guy in the video is. I try to listen to everybody's opinion...his sounds pretty interesting to me.
Also, I have no clue who this chick is, but I saw this recently too:
Not trying to rain on anybody's parade...just interested in different opinions...
1) I trust peer-reviewed science over random dipshits selling vitamins on youtube
2) That news story above is not about H1N1 but just the seasonal flu vaccine. It could also be a coincindence that she got this condition 10 days after the vaccine. Even if it is related and it's a one in 10 million risk of the vaccine - you're still statistically way better off rather than risking getting the flu and the complications that go along with that.
Yes, I will get the shot if/when it becomes available here to the general public. I'm not in a high risk group. In Ireland only pregnant women and children are being given it so far. We've had 9 H1N1 deaths so far including a 14 year old boy last week.
That news story above is not about H1N1 but just the seasonal flu vaccine Yep, I know that. It was sent to me a couple days ago & I wanted to share it as well since it had to do with flu vaccines. I don't normally watch a lot of news t.v. since they hype up a lot of things, but I just thought these videos were interesting. I'm sorry you've had so many deaths in your area.
Meeting Junkie No More
Um..............NO! Dr. Mercola, who is the doctor in the first U-tube clip has my complete confidence. I also appreciate the article in The Atlantic posted by daniel-p. It is a 10 page read, but well worth every paragraph...anybody considering getting the shot should take the time to read it in its entirety.
Once you realize the vested interests behind the annual flu-shot advertising campaign, your take on its supposed benefits shifts somewhat.
I had a lengthy post about this at the first notice of H1N1
For starters, all diseases are either:
1. Endemic.
2. Epidemic
3. Pandemic
Swine flu is pandemic, from the "pan" and "demos" meaning in general among all peoples (or having crossed international boundaries). The science on vaccines is clear cut and there is nothing to worry about. I will get it if I'm able.
The science on vaccines is clear cut and there is nothing to worry about. I will get it if I'm able.
Yes, the science on vaccines is clear-cut. For many other vaccines, they have been successful in eradicating many illnesses. But the flu vaccine is simply not effective. But, it's the only thing public health officials have to offer, so they continue to push it on everyone.
I urge you to read the article by The Atlantic magazine:
This is not quackery. Rather, after reading that article, and reading the studies the CDC has on its OWN website, the flu vaccine itself is borderline quackery.
Yes. Already got H1N1 and the regular seasonal flu.
I will get my shot even if it only has a placebo effect