Will Michael Jacksons Mom be DF'd ???

by tresdecu 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • shopaholic

    I too believe LaToya to be a worthy source of info regarding her family.

    The Christmas celebration will probably be part of their new reality show. I doubt it Katherine will be df'd...if she is, the org has a lot of explaining to do because that would be on every tabloid magazine and tabloid show on TV.

  • jay-jay-

    Hi Shopaholic:

    You know, I forgot all about that new reality show on the Jacksons coming up this season!!!

    Great Point!

    And you are right, there will probably be exclusive footage on the first, ever Christmas celebration in the Jackson household too.

    Hey, wait a minute!

    What if a large number of JW youngsters see this on TV (the reality show) or read about it in the press, and start to ask their JW parents,

    "...if Katherine Jackson and Michael's children can celebrate Christmas, and its okay, then why can't we do it too!!!"

    Oh boy, can you imagine the rumble this could cause in JW-Land?

    JW parents upset, angry everywhere, trying to explain to their children, just how the rich Jacksons can celebrate Christmas on TV even, and all other JW families having to abstain, unless they get the "axe."

    I'm sure the mail coming in will be quite interesting for the Governing Body, after that show aires. Also, things will probably get interesting for the local elders too, maybe heated up, since many highly concerned JWs with children will approach them about this strange phenomenon.

    Jws would say to their local elders:

    "Yes, Brother Elder, please explain to me how one (rich & famous) JW family can celebrate Christmas, even on TV and in the press, but everybody else, every other JW family around the world better not try it, or they face a Judicial Committee for celebrating Christmas. Can you explain that to me?"

    Can you imagine them (the elders) having to explain that sort of thing?

    Anyone else agree this could produce some very strange results & reactions among those in JW-Land, as we head into this coming Christmas of 2009?

    ...Just wondering.


  • skeeter1

    May God bless LaToya!

  • mcsemike

    The WT has no scrupples. They prostitute themselves daily in everything they do. We've all seen them overlook many things that rich/famous JW's do that would have gotten any regular JW DF'd.

    "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." I think this sums up much of it. I just cannot see them DF'ing a person who, for example, gave the WT ten million dollars every year. They would sell their own families to get what they want and they frequently do that literally.

  • monkeyman


    If you are legally married but maintaining separate households, doesnt that make each the head of each household?

    That would blow Katherines submissive role crap and liable for decisions she makes living in her home.

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