Do you speed?

by John Doe 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
  • Elsewhere

    No... I try to keep it under 90 MPH.

  • chickpea

    not with cruise control

  • asilentone

    only if I am very horny.

  • babygirl75

    Yep, that's why hubby has a radar detector in all vehicles!

    I did get stopped a few months ago by a State Trooper. The radar detector went off but I evidently was in lala land and didn't pay attention. I was pulled for going 83 in a 65. He let me go!!!! God bless that man!

  • undercover
    do you drive faster than the posted speed limit?

    If you don't, you're in everyone elses way.

    Please park your car and take the bus so the rest of us can continue on our way without being hindered by the mobilely challenged...

  • JWoods

    I think I will just refrain from making any comment on this thread under the advise of an attorney.

    As a matter of interest, one of the most serious banning offenses on my Ferrari board is to describe any traffic violation by yourself or any board member or to encourage such behavior. Warning posts of observed violations by others is tolerated if they do not glamorize the behavior.

    The implications are obvious - LEOs are not above watching for our events on the board.

  • purplesofa

    I used to,

    I thought every outing was a race to win the Indy 500.

    Many, many speeding tickets later, growing up and gaining

    respect for other drivers and realizing there are so many different levels of experiance on the road

    and levels of car performance

    I do not speed anymore.


  • Satanus

    Me? No, never. Well, i MAY have gotten air, a couple of times. But, that was a long time ago.


  • nelly136

    nah i like irritating the poor sods behind me, and sometimes i go even slower so i can see their veins raise on their foreheads in my rearview mirror for kicks.

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