You can't ignore this, yet there is nothing about it in the bible. I noticed that the JW's seem to just brush over it, since they clearly can't explain it away or pretend its false!
how to the dubs explain away the dino's?
by highdose 19 Replies latest jw friends
Genesis speaks of great sea monsters!
Wow that is some dinosaur/sea creature!!!
My dad always said maybe dinosaurs were there to eat down the vegetation?
I loved the little dinosaur in the back of the Green Bible. I always made word bubbles coming out of his mouth, with him saying somthing witty.
Hi lisa, I used to look at that little dino for ages when I was Kid. In between picking the little beads of dried glue that they used stick those pages to the covers (I used to chew it - Yuck!).
Black Sheep
Yeah, right. No doubt these teeth would come in handy for eating your vegetables.
I don't remember why, but dinosaurs were NEVER discussed in my presence by my parents.
As an adult I didn't bother to learn anything about them, and would change channels if there was a program about them on TV.
Last november I was back home in New Zealand visiting family & I was talking to my nephew about the dinos and some of the new vossils they had discovered, my sister inlaw picked up on it and accused me of not believing in the creation & the six thousand years of human existance crap, which I don't anyway but she not need to know that. I was always had the understanding that Jehovah had created many creatures long before humans and the jws accepted that dinos were part of Jehovahs creation, be it millions of years b4 man.
I loved that little dino too, enjoyed picking that glue off as well, bit of time killing at the meetings - LOL
Depends on what you mean? There is no need to explain them away in the sense of trying to pretend they never existed, firstly because they obviously have, and secondly because the JW literature frquently has commented upon these "sea creatures" as well as land animals as having been created before man and having gone extinct before man.
What needs to be explained, is their teeth - or diet - as compared to the belief that all creatures before Adam ate vegetation only. For my part, I can see possibilities - one, that they were necrophagous, or two, that the expression relates to the animals within the Edenic borders only. Or also three, that the true meaning of the expression has been blurred by translation thru the years, and is open as is the meaning of what is meant by "land" when talking about the Deluge.
But their existence is covered by the wt - their diet not.
Since the wt used to say that creative days were 7000 yrs long, they suggested that the dinos fitted in there, created as 'great sea monsters, who ate down the vegetation, getting the earth ready for humans. They last a few creative days. Don't remember how they explained their dying off.