I received a message on my telephone voice mail by a person who attended a Jehovah's Witness assembly this past weekend. I believe the assembly was in Michigan. The caller told me it was announced from the platform that if a person is not attending the meetings on a regular basis active Witnesses should not be associating with them. Has anyone else heard this? The Watchtower org. no doubt is concerned with so many people who are now having doubts. It's clear to see that the year 2009 will be marked in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses as the year of the beginning of the"Mass Exodus". Many people are "fading". They are part of the "conscious class". That is they have "one foot in and one foot out". The Organization is trying desperately to keep loyal members away from these people who now know the Organization is "not the truth".
Confirmation on statement made at assembly this past weekend
by koolaid-man 45 Replies latest jw friends
Rick, this would not actually be anything new...just said more bluntly and openly, right?
They have always said to watch your association, and how bad association can be right in the cong. But they have always left the JW to connect those dots. If this info you received is accurate...they are now explicitly spelling out their dumbed-down message to the drones.
I think they often say not to associate with "weak" ones. They never define these things very clearly, so Witnesses have a lot of "fun" talking behind each others' backs and generally feeling smug and superior to each other on the basis of their own eccentric and convenient sets of criteria as to what makes others bad association.
They call inactive people and those who miss too many boasting sessions "bad associations within the congregation". While this is not the same as disfellowshipping, many people will take it the same way (and that could include hounders that hound the families to stay away from the inactive witless).
Rick, I hope you are right that 2009 will be the beginning of the mass exodus.
It could be any elder or CO with an outline and a point of view. I wouldn't believe something that specific as dogma until it came out in a KM or WT. Whatever you hear on an assembly or convention should be taken with a grain of salt until you see it in writing.
This could very well be something that is on the outline, so that the WT continues to perpetrate their oral traditions over the safety net of their written ones.... That sounds familiar....
It's probably true that the statement was said. It is logical to be aware of who we associate with, Proverbs 13:20
" He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly."
I think these sorts of reminders should put the brakes on trigger happy elders who want to render spiritual help interfere in other people's lives and feel self important while doing so. There's always a couple in every congregation. So I'm glad these sorts of statements are being made publicly.
I think these sorts of reminders should put the brakes on trigger happy elders who want to render spiritual help interfere in other people's lives and feel self important while doing so. There's always a couple in every congregation.
The more outrageous the statement, the more it will divide the culties from those who feel something isn't right.
To me, this quote sounds like an overzealous elder. It wouldn't have made it past the CO during rehearsals though.... So it had a CO's blessing.
The unwritten rule is becoming more verbalized..
From the Assembly stage no less..
Looks like more trouble..
For "The Happiest People on Earth"..
.................... ...OUTLAW